MovieChat Forums > Passengers (2016) Discussion > Just open all the pods

Just open all the pods

A thousand plus people will figure something out. And you'll have much more company.




I think at that point the techs would run diagnostics, figure out the ship's broken parts, preventing the potential annihilation. Then they'd turn their attention to the pods themselves and fix 'em. Somebody would almost certainly have an "override command" to put everybody into stasis. You could maybe build a robot to put you all in, for instance.




I mean, everybody would probably get pretty ticked off at the guy.

He maybe should have searched the manifest for robotics engineers and experts in medical stasis pods or something.


They wouldn't know he did it. Unless there's some sort of surveillance cam. But he could have somehow disabled it.


I've got to think that when other engineers on the roster got around to looking at the pods to check for the problem, they would figure it out.

The pods were supposed to be infallible, too, and while Pratt's pod proves that's not true, a whole bank of them going offline en-masse would prompt people to investigate. I think they'd catch him.

It's also unclear if he could "malfunction" open the pods from a distance. He tripped open Jennifer Lawrence's pod, then scooted away, but if he had to manually open and short-circuit every pod, I figure the third or fourth person might notice the guy scuttling around and zapping wires.


You're forgetting that Jim described how they had special equipment to put people into the cryogenic stasis state back at the launch port. The pods were only built to preserve that state once it had been attained, and then to wake people up. There was only one pod that had the additional ability to put someone into stasis, and that was in the medical bay.


I did forget that, yeah. Thanks for that bit of clarification. It would probably be harder to odify the other pods to also do that.


For sure. They are almost like cans. Once you open a can, you can't close it again: you need all the equipment at the canning factory to seal them up.


Now, if there was one pod that could do it, it's conceivable that they might be able to rig up other pods to do it, too, but that'd be a long shot. You'd need the spare parts, equipment, and possible fueling substances to do (all sci-fi polarity-reversing-type stuff, but still) plus people who could figure it out AND implement it. That's low odds. Well, it seems like low odds. Again: it's all just made-up tech, so they could hand-wave that. However, if they did without a really good explanation, it'd seem very much like a cheap, cop-out ending.

I liked the movie and I liked the way it ended.


Me too.


There wouldn't be enough food for all those people.


They could eat each other.


I couldn't figure out why, after they saved the ship, & had Fishburne's override they didn't wake the captain, or at some other crew member. That would have been a reasonable thing to do given the circumstances.


At that point, there'd be no reason to wake the captain - they'd just be sentencing him to life on the ship as well

The biggest plot problem with this film is the "secret proprietary hibernation procedure"

I don't count it as a "plot hole" however because I find it easy to believe a massive corporation would make exactly that kind of mistake, i.e., make no provision for hibernation en route because "our hibernation pods never fail"


Yup. Plus, they'd just bury the evidence. Figuratively with the pods and data records; literally with the people who woke up.


Are we sure he had the level of override to get past the security around the captain and other flight crew's quarters? I don't think his pod would be out among the hoi polloi if that were the case.


I thought for sure when the craft was starting to break down that second time that all the pods were going to open.


The whole: "Pods will never broke" was ridiculous and unrealistic and they added that into movie only because they needed plot to move. People who made that ship would have to have procedure how to put people in sleep again. So we have to accept that.


I would say opening them ALL would be overkill (and perhaps risky, depending on the quantity of food available). But opening a couple dozen could make sense for sure.


He wanted to wake up crew. But failed. And he thought waking up other passengers will bring nothing as they dont have knowledge.

On the other hand he could have found some IT technicians who were just flying as passengers. There had to be smart people there too. Maybe they would find a way to get into crew cabin.


Instead he went for pussy. What a dick.


Ha ha funny post. This whole thread is good and had a good long run. Nice job Akbars


He picked some good pussy at least
