jesus girl

Was this character based on someone real 😳


According to Spielberg, yes.


Who? She is way over the top crazy


He didn't provide a name. Perhaps she is still living? Who knows. We only have Spielberg's word for much of the goings on in this film.


They never portray Christians in Hollywood movies as anything other than crazy. Start paying attention, and you'll notice anyone who reads the Bible will be the mass murderer or child molester. They've done this all the way back to the 1930's.


That's not true in the slightest.

In most movies that mention someone's religion, that religion has been Christian. You see the crosses on their necklaces, you hear them doing Christian prayers, you see them clutching rosaries, in a multitude of horror movies involving demons/possession/etc it's Christian beliefs that are the thing that saves the day. Jules, from Pulp Fiction, turns into the good guy at the end because of his Christian beliefs. The most badass sniper in Saving Private Ryan did a Christian prayer whenever he did his thing. Aunt May can be seen doing the lords prayer for Peter in Spider-Man. And so on and so on. Christianity was front and center in the M. Night Shyamalan movie Signs and Gibson's loss of faith in it was obviously treated as a sad thing that he needed to come back from. Heck, a loss of Christian faith is constantly treated as a bad thing in movies. Then there's the long line of massively popular Christmas movies, of course. And who could forget crosses still being a great weapon against evil vampires? And I don't know how many times I've seen a hero walk into a Church to pray or have a confession before heading out to get revenge for some evil that's been done; or how many priests have been the voice of reason for characters who were in conflict with themselves, depressed, and/or on the verge of doing something bad.

Christianity has been revered as the good-side and Christian protagonists have been so prevalent in films throughout the decades that most don't even notice it. Which isn't surprising considering the amount of Christians in the countries where our favorite films are made. That's just the default thing most characters are when their religion is referenced or briefly shown. It's what's expected. And it's always been this way.

It's comparatively small how much Christianity has been portrayed in a crazy or silly light. It should happen more frequently, to be honest, as the religion is great fodder for such things.


I don't steep myself in movies, so I don't really know a lot of the instances you mention. But I've noticed that if someone reads the Bible and quotes it a good deal they tend to be like the Preacher in "Night of the Hunter." I choose that film knowingly, because your post reminded me that there really are SOME good examples of Christians in film -- the old woman, Rachael Cooper, with whom the children find shelter and defense in that same movie.

Christianity is focused on Christ. But in the typical film where the character identified as Christian loses their faith and regains it, we see them "regain" it by picking up something like a cross, or walking into a specific church, perhaps going through some ritual. Hollywood Christians usually have their focus on something or someone other than Christ. "See? They're going back to church now! They've regained their faith." They've regained their faith in their church. That doesn't mean they've regained their faith in Christ.

I knew a witch once -- true story -- who said that a cross was a very powerful symbol. In fact, she endorsed all the symbols movies use to show "faith." She knew it was simply a symbol she could use. But when I told her I'd trusted Christ as my Saviour, she knew it was real and promptly "smudged" her shop as I walked out. 😂

But, again, thank you for reminding me that Hollywood doesn't always dismiss Christianity! They tend to warp it into mere rituals and symbols, but not always. Every now and then there is some bright and shining character that centers his or her life on Christ who is viewed as being an exemplary person.


"I don't steep myself in movies, so I really don't know a lot of the instances you mention..." says the person who said "They NEVER portray Christians in Hollywood movies as anything other than crazy. START PAYING ATTENTION, and YOU'LL NOTICE anyone who reads the Bible will be the mass murderer or child molester. THEY'VE DONE THIS ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE 1930's."

Maybe steep a little on the subject you're going to rant about.



Just want to say you absolutely slaughtered that other persons comment. Was very enjoyable to read and made me remember many movies that subtly promote Christianity. Great response.




There were plenty around like her.


According to Spielberg’s classmates, he didn’t date anybody from his high school.


SS settled a few scores in this 'heart warming' film - with the nasty little bugger who terrorized him, and the Christians who bullied him.

That character was a raspberry.
