Utter shite woke version

Which is the shite we expect from Hollywoke nowadays, and which will bomb.

I'm Deckard B26354, I retire Wokies, I'm filed and monitored.


So don't watch it. Everyone complains that Hollywood is just pushing an agenda. Sure, they are aiming for diversity, and that's great, but if you don't like adaptations which swap the character's skin colour, don't watch it. Hollywood is a business. If they aren't making money aiming at one demographic, they will switch to something else.


Diversity is just a code word for less white. Go make shows about voodoo or some shit, leave white culture alone.


Totally agree.


It's a problem that goes w erywhere.


Who cares what a snaggle-toothed Brit thinks about an AMERICAN IP? You're British, aren't you? Your usage of "shite" reveals yourself to be a limey of low class and (in)breeding.

If you're not a snaggle-tooth or some degenerate Aussie or wannabe American Canuck, in any case, you're a foreigner. But that's neither here nor there. Your opinion on this adaptation doesn't matter. Interview with the Vampire was written by AMERICAN author, Anne Rice. The adaptation is for AMERICANS. Americans don't give a flip about the casting of Louis here, any more than they did when Aaliyah was cast in the adaptation of Queen of the Damned.

But you and your other foreign national troll farm buddies keep taking turns posting, pretending to be Americans outraged over an adaptation that already cast a black person in a role from Anne Rice's novels. In other words, just keep proving how inferior and cowardly you are.


Triggered by Negros!

Do you walk around in your Klan robes? Confederate flag in the window?


Do the sniff and if your gut tells you it isn't quite right, just cut the mold off and co ti hr on.


The OP hates black people. I started a thread about racists like him:

Woke is now Dog Whistle for Black
