MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > What's up with the lack of diversity amo...

What's up with the lack of diversity among the villains?

They were some of the whitest people I've every seen too, like pasty-lily white, never had a sun-tan in their life. Did America just stop enrolling non-whites or something? Or is America the only country going to Pandora to save their dying Earth or start over somewhere else? Actually there was an Ausie in the movie so it would seem other countries are involved in the Pandora colonization. I could count on one hand the number of non-white personnel, with fingers to spare. Even Avatar 1 had some non-whites in the military. Hell, even the Star Wars sequels were inclusive enough to have plenty of non-whites among the First Order, showing POCs can be bad-guys too.

If this movie is all about doubling down on some "woke" narrative, then it's outdated since America is all about the diversity now, and has been for a while. A lot has changed since Avatar 1 came out. In a movie that romanticizes people's connection to nature before technology, it's hard to believe that only white people are oppressing others for expansion and survival when a) historically all races are guilty of that, and b) Earth is apparently screwed so all humans, not just whites, would be desperate to start over, no matter the cost.


as Homer Simpson said:

"The white man patriarchy: the reason for, and solution to, all of our problems."



What about AIDS?


Because Cameron is a typical self-hating white lib


yes no surprise. he is original man who push strong woman in his film. the thing like woman colonial marine (ridiculous even 36 year after aliens there are no woman soldier elite unit in combat).

only reason why ripley and sarah conor work is because they are not play by shit actress like jizz jlaw or captain pancakes, and that from 1984 to 1991 cameron had great ability to write likeable character. he can no longer do this.


That was so hilarious. In the middle of the movie I started noticing the lack of black people among the humans. And I started looking up in the background and I dont think I saw one even there. There was one asian woman piloting underwater machine. And thats was it. All other humans were white.

Its like James Cameron thinks that in the future (where Avatar takes place) only white people live and there is no diversity at all. )))) Its truly hilarious and I wonder if anyone pressed Cameron about that. Like that is very and very racist by woke standards. )))

I assume Cameron did this because directors are so afraid to be called racists for even implying that black people can be villains that they just dont cast them as villains. And since every human in this movie was villain - there was no black people at all )) Directors in their performative wokeness started erasing black people from screens.

And we know that Cameron is "performative woke" because he didnt care about other woke staff. There were no gays and not trans. And women were not offensively loud and obnoxious when speaking to men. He truly gor scared to be called racists so he just erased black people from his movie. And he was right. Didnt woke imbeciles just recently attacked Wednesday because few characters were villains? And they got offended and called that tv show racists ))) So James Cameron was smarter.

He cast POC in few roles of Na’vi. But people who watch movie dont know that. They just see aliens and whites.


I guess it's a no-win. If they threw in some black, Asian, Mexican, Arab villains (and so on), everyone would call James Cameron racist because he thinks non-whites are all evil. They'd completely ignore that there is some whites mixed in there as well. They'd just focus in on the non-white villains.

It's almost like the whole Michael Myers/Halloween Kills thing. Halloween Kills was the first Halloween movie that Michael killed a gay couple. Before that, we had 40+ years of seeing Michael kill straight people/straight couples. But Michael kills one gay couple/two gay people in Halloween Kills and suddenly he is homophobic/anti-LGBTQ+. Um, if anything, Michael is anti-straight. But yeah. Let's focus on this ONE gay couple/two gay people instead of ALL the straight couples/people he's killed in all the previous Halloween movies. I'm ignoring the timelines and what's canon/non-canon to each timeline. I'm looking at Halloween altogether.


Because white people are geniuses who explore other worlds, simple.


Was thinking this was a narrative on European colonization, or the American drive west. The whales were the buffalo, especially when they took only the brain fluid and left the rest.

Pretty fair observation, you would expect greater diversity in a human population expanding into space.


Sounds like a racist movie by a bunch of racist racists.


there was 1 asian whale hunter
but mostly typical woke bs
