MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > most Muslims would say they believe in t...

most Muslims would say they believe in the same God as Christians

Although it is never revealed whether being a Muslim made a difference, the majority of Muslims would say they worship the same God (Allah) as Christians and vice versa. So IMO Muslims would also be at risk according to the definition that believing in God attracts the trolls. Most Muslims also believe in Jesus as a prophet as well. Though I know nothing more about the folklore than what was presented in the movie.


Let's start with the comment that set it off: Muslim and non-believer. An oxymoron, really? Did any of you consider that a religion is, I daresay, more than simple faith in a deity (or more)?

I know people who identify as Jewish but are actually atheist or agnostic. Yet they identify as Jewish because it's part of their culture, their upbringing, their heritage. Judaism is particular since Jews define being Jewish as being of a specific ethnicity (Ashkenazim/Sephardic), the specific culture, or follwing the religious and scholarly tradition. Still, people of other religions act similarly. In Poland I know people who identify as Roman Catholic although they doubt the existence of a "one true God." Yet they continue to observe Roman Catholic traditions and rituals because their relatives and friends do; it's about community. And yes, I even met someone who isn't religious but still identifies as Muslim and observes certain Muslim practices, including not drinking alcohol (...of all traditions to choose, why that one? Oh well, his choice).

All of you believers might think I am cheapening your respective faiths by saying that a religion may not necessarily be about faith. Is this really so? Religion is part of the culture we are raised in; even if we choose to reject or deny it it still leaves an impact. There is an element of choice and rite of passage in many religions that purportedly solves this hypocrisy: Catholics have confirmation, Jews have bar/bat mitzvahs, etc. But the teenagers who are by now old enough to decide whether or not to officially enter their religious community make their decision usually because of factors other than witnessing a shining beam of pink light emanating from the heavens.

To all other comments: wow, so much spite! What's past should be past, especially something that happened ages ago. Too many people have died in these awful wars and conflicts, and continue to die today. I have met survivors of the Holocaust, survivors of 9/11, survivors of Balkan wars, and soldiers who had fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead of bickering over who started it, can't we decide on how to END it?

Manuscripts don't burn.




It's the Abrahamic God and therefore the same thing. Anyone who says otherwise does not have a serious understanding of the religions.

I agree they are the same thing, however that's got nothing to do with this movie. It's a Norwegian movie and in Norway when one is asked wether one believes in God or not that question means wether one is a Christian or not.
So it's not a mistake in the movie, it's just how the Norwegian language/culture works...



Only Muslims and Christians have ever claimed to believe in the same god that the Jews believed in.

The issue is that neither Muslims nor Christians have beliefs that fit their claim. For starters Judaism has absolutely no requirement for a non-Jew to convert to their religion in order to be judged righteous by their god.

Entire essays highlight there is a vast difference in concept of divinity between all three beliefs. Ultimately it's just comparative mythology though...compelling evidence for none exist, hence belief is the only way to accept.


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


I passed Trollkyrkja (Troll Church mountain) yesterday. Maybe we could call it the Troll Mosque?


Troll u akbar!



In Cod we trust.


They joke about it the first time he asks them "because trolls can smell the blood of a Christian man?".


1. The God of the Bible and the Muslims Allah are not the same. Ignorance on the subject is not a reason to think differently.

2. The Jewish God is the same as the Christian God.....Islam is a latecomer to the dance.

3. Islam is breeding ignorance instead of science because they will kill you if you ask questions. Ever see what a Muslim does if a Jew does any digging in Jerusalem?


I figured that it had less to do with the actual deity and more to do with the fact that it was Christendom that pushed the traditional pagan beliefs (which is the source of much of the folklore) out of Norway.


Exactly. Norwegian folklore (fairytales, songs, legends) frequently deals with the evil - and often stupid and ugly, as the trolls - pagan forces agaist the religious = Christian good guys. Other religions than Christendom are not considered.

The film makes fun of this by casting Hans as an atheist who gives a d.. in religion, except from the historical/empirical fact that trolls can smell christians.


It's sad that even in a film website like IMDB, there are idiots who cant hold their stereptyopes and ignorance away and have to be racist and/or xenophobic on a movie forum.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.


You have to consider the source material. The concept of the smell of christian blood, the look of the trolls etc. is based on Norwegian fairy-tales. We don't know when they were made, but its a reasonable assumption that they were made, or at least got their specific Norwegian form, in a time when Christianity was the only religion in Norway. Which means somewhere between the time when Norway was violently converted to the christian religion, and the time when these folk-tales were first collected and published (from the late 1830's on).

"Maybe poker's just not your game Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest."


That is very true, they share our god but don't share how we should devote ourselves; also they do have 'more' respect for the monotheistic religions than the 'other' ones. Jesus is a prophet in their eyes, and when I read the Kuran I found it to be almost an exact copy of the old testament.

may the farce be wif u



You want to know why the trolls smells Christians?

Because the movie is in many aspects based on old scandinavian mythology, and the old myths state trolls can particularly well smell christians.
That's also why the trollhunter does not know if it matters Malica is muslim. We also don't get a real answer whether it matters, because it's not a part of the mytholohy.
I don't really know why they brought in a muslim, but it may be because it helped the transition from the previous camerman's death to the next part of the movie.
