MovieChat Forums > Trolljegeren (2010) Discussion > With all this 'talk' of an American Rema...

With all this 'talk' of an American Remake...

Here's something quite novel... how about giving this film what it so finely deserves and that is worldwide promotion, marketing and distribution, not a f-ing remake? This film hasn't even been released in the UK? Why not? Well its obvious, there isn't any room for it because of the US *beep* that's always taking up space on our cinema screens. Somebody needs wake up and give this Norwegian gem its dues by playing it in the multiplex's? It makes me sick that millions are spent on promoting the c**p that's currently in our cinemas while only pennies seem to be offered to the real film-makers out there.
There's absolutely no need to remake this film. No need what-so-ever! Just re-distribute it. Get it into the multiplex's, start treating real film goers with respect. And stop pandering to those idiot audiences who hate subtitled movies or any film that doesn't have a Hollywood hack director behind them. If they can't see what they are missing, then screw those kind of cinema goers and their small mindedness, they and Hollywood do nothing for the art of cinema and haven't done so for many years!
Don't even get me started about other threads on this message board that criticise the characteristics of the trolls in this movie. This is Norwegian folklore. Not f'%king "Trolls according to Walt Disney!" If America does end up "bastardising" Norwegian trolls then a Norwegian director needs to remake Fantasia but instead of a stupid high pitched voiced mouse as its star, remake it with a "Turd with testicles for ears", see how you like that blasphemy.

"Do you know the chicken walk?"
Jeffrey Beaumont


I am a bit surprised really as an American remake doesn't even make sense. Trolls are European folklore, in the Nordic countries in particular. We lived up in these woods and these stories. The CGI is also top-notch, I was surprised to see anything this well made from a Nordic country, about their homeland really.

Another thing is that except for the monster, it's not original at all. There aren't any amazing story to be retold in this one. It manages to feel somewhat authentic for those who live here, but I doubt non-nordic people would be able to relate to that. If you just see the movie as another monster movie, it's nothing spectacular and may even be a bit boring.


Oh look, another film's message board gone to hell with the America Vs Everyone else argument... ugh.

"The world moves for love, It kneels before it in awe" - The Village


Oh look, it's another thread where Euros think they make up the entire world, save for the tiny isle of the USA.


OP, if you're angry at every American remake, bear in mind that the remakes couldn't happen without the permission of the people that made the originals. The people that made this film apparently disagreed with you and gave the Americans full rights to "bastardize" their film. Be mad at them for not saying no.

I'm American and I loved this movie as well as the trolls. If the AMerican version of this movie seems interesting, I'll see it. If I like it, I'll still like this movie. If I don't like it, I'll still like this movie. Any sequel or remake cannot replace the original. All of the sequels to Jaws cannot erase the fact that the first movie is superior. If a sequel's a good movie it complements the original and make more people want to see the original. If a sequel is crappy, it makes the original even better and make more people want to see the original.


It must be a very demoralising and depressing feeling to be part of a country (the USA) that has to have films remade because the majority of the population are either too lazy or too badly educated to read subtitles. It is almost the same as giving the child with special needs problems some colouring in to do whilst the rest of the class reads a great book.

Sadly it will continue to happen as long as Hollywood is controlled by people who care more about making huge profits from people who wouldn't know which way to put the gun in their mouth if they were asked to do the world a favour, rather than promoting quality and original filmmaking...

At least we have the originals to enjoy!

'Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day'


Its hardly surprising when someone like Bush who has an IQ marginally higher than that of a trained ape can become president.

Do you know that the studio that made lost originally told the writers that they could have a maximum of 6 main characters as an American audience was unlikely to be able to follow a story line with more characters than that it in. Thankfully they ignored them.

The idiotic general public is less of a problem than the people in charge actively encouraging moronic behaviour and catering to idiots. This is a problem in the UK too, its just that there are alternatives here. Presumably there are alternatives in the US too, but they aren't exported or advertised very well.

It would be like the UK exporting the x-factor, Britain's (not) got (any) talent, and harry potter; and not exporting things like "Any Human Heart" or "A Clockwork Orange" or "Harry Brown". Unfortunately this country is slowly becoming american, the Prime Minister said government arts funding should be only for films which make money which is idiotic. Films that make money don't have any shortage of available funding.

Its the same sort of rampant capitalism that made this UK government close the forensic science services because they were loosing money. How exactly were they supposed to be making money? Investigate a crime sell the right to a film company and make sure the trial of the criminal collapses. George Orwell was depressingly correct 1984/Brazil here we come...


But it's in Norwegian. To Americans, that means the movie doesn't actually exist yet.


Yeah, subtitled movies don't exist to the average American, except the true film lovers.

The American remake will suck as it will simplify all the best bits of the movie and make it a standard horroe movie or something. Trolls are part of European folklore which won't translate as well to a USA setting.




While I agree this movie doesn't need an american remake, you have to understand a few things.
1. The movie business is.. big surprise, so remember to breathe, because you're gonna be so surprised... A BUSINESS! Making a remake and selling that one in America will most likely earn much more money than distributing a Norwegian one.

Which brings me to the next thing you must understand:

2. The market for movies are very different in Norway and America. People have a different idea of how movies are/should be watched. You may not have thought about it, but it's rather obvious. In Scandinavia we grow up with subtitles, because most movies are in English, so we subtitle it. US does not have to, because they already speak the language, so it can seem rather appaling to have subtitles during the movie. They're not used to it, and as they've never done it, they don't enjoy it, and I'm guessing it can distract them from the movie itself.

And lastly,

3. THE MARKET FOR MOVIES ARE VERY DIFFERENT IN NORWAY AND AMERICA. Yes I know that's also #2, but read on. While Trollhunter may be pleasing to the Scandinavian eye, it may not be aesthetically pleasing to americans. I can't say this for sure, but I imagine the US remake will look a lot different in the way it is filmed due to this.

Of course there may be people in US who would enjoy Trollhunter, but if a studio can choose between 2 movies, one who sells a lot, and one who sells not-so-much but appeals to a tiny unique market... I'm not gonna finish that sentence, because it should be obvious.

Point three is just me assuming things, but I'm rather certain it applies, as US films generally have higher contrast, higher color saturation and the likes than European films. (Based on my experience).


There have been some gems of American remakes but it is usually quite crap I agree. The horror movie Shutter for example, they took out some of the scares and replaced them with random sex scenes that completely detracted from the tension of the movie. Failed pilots such as the IT crowd or Red Dwarf where they made the cat a woman, because clearly Americans would think a male cat is just gay. Inbetweeners, crap drivel. Being Human, pointless remake that added nothing. Let the right one in, didn't change enough, Dragon Tattoo missing key scenes.

But, and this is a big but. The American Office actually took and adapted british humor flawlessly, taking a small show and turning it into a lengthy masterpiece of comedy. So I am quietly hopeful now at American remakes, I think they are slowly getting better. Plus they will have a larger budget to throw at the troll making, what about if trollhunter was made by guillermo del toro? That would certainly be awesome.


American remake of the Trolljegeren is absolutely ridiculous mostly because of the folklore-based plot that cannot really exist outside Norway (or at least outside Scandinavia), and english speking norwegians would be just stupid. Why to remake great films just because they are in foreign language?

Guillermo Del Toro's Trollhunter would be just awful, if it doesn't feature norwegian actors and landscapes. Unlike Rare Exports which features very international "villain", trolls are something very scandinavian at least in this form. I'd love to see a sequel taking place in Sweden or Finland, showing the likely spread of the "troll problem".


But, and this is a big but. The American Office actually took and adapted british humor flawlessly, taking a small show and turning it into a lengthy masterpiece of comedy.

Are you kidding me? The American Office was all right, but it ran for 6 or 7 seasons too long, and ditched the social humour and comedy of manners of the original BBC series and turned it into fart and pie jokes.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


Well I would say myself and several hundreds of thousands of people watched a different show to you then.
