Sheesh ....Go Woke Go Broke

Well that didnt take long to find. He canabolized himself with his own arrogance. I figured it was something like this. I dont track celebrities but this makes sense now.

"Actor Kevin Costner said he was “OK” with losing fans over his political views, saying he “didn’t really care how the cookie crumbles”

I mean I know Kevin is James Cameron Level Arrogant but .... Sheesh Kevin LOL. Way to respect your fans and just piss all over them.


To be fair, she's a republican - his fan base is also, most likely, republican - cowboy films and all. Previously, he voted democrat.

If he were a true rebel though, he wouldn't have voted at all - democracy is an illusion.


Might want to check into that. Kevin is Obviously no republican. I do believe HE is still a HE though and not a SHE. It all makes sense now though. Conservatives wont go pay to see this. Its way past that point. Kevin is not living in reality anymore. People are sick of these games celebrities play and then turn around and rub their noses in it.


I've always assumed he was not a Republican. I've never heard him talk about politics at all other than the appearance of being obsessed with JFK.


"I think he's even showing now that he's a person of a level of energy and integrity and of vision and that's why I did it. I don't often step out.” Although he hasn't hit the campaign trail for the general election, Costner has endorsed Joe Biden for president."

"He also said at the time that he’d in interested in a Michelle Obama presidency. “Michelle’s incredibly bright and articulate and has possessed good judgement and experience as a result,” Costner said. “Why couldn’t she be [president]?”

"Actor Kevin Costner said he was “OK” with losing fans over his political views, saying he “didn’t really care how the cookie crumbles”


Republicans can't claim ownership of the entire Western film genre. They teach courses on Westerns at most liberal arts colleges that offer film studies.

I'm a pretty big lefty & love Westerns, (old & new), history, and war films/books/stories. The gorier & more violent the better as long as it shows the truth.


Dont let your political bias fool you. Core Audience of Westerns are traditionalists Americans not Progressives. You wont find a lot of Costner's targeted demographic for Horizon rewatching Brokeback Mountain if they ever watched it in the first place.

Films are not "truth" thats ridiculous. Based on a "True Story" or "True Events" is film shilling nonsense. Its all produced. All fake.

Better to not think of Westerns in terms of Left vs Right. Try it from a Traditional vs Progressive perspective. Try seeing all fims from that angle actually. People want traditional which is why everything has gone nostalgia in theme. Problem is they drown it in progressivism and the average traditional moviegoer doesnt want it. They just want to be entertained not preached to about the religion of modern activism.


Maybe I should have said in pursuit of truth or the filmmaker's truth.

I feel like Westerns are one of those things that ppl on all political sides enjoy, like weed.


“I feel like Westerns are one of those things that ppl on all political sides enjoy, like weed”

Very well said 👍


I dont do drugs so I wouldnt know. I also dont know anyone who does that stuff. If the righties and lefties online are high all the time it explains a lot of their behavior though. Costner probably a doper. It would explain his lack of awareness when he opens his mouth sometimes.



Well the political posts might confuse you unless you have a very solid handle on the Occult. Most people here dont seem to be able to follow them.

Film posts should be easy to understand though.

And yes Im a straight shooter. Life is to short for anything else IMO. I stay cordial as long as others do the same. People get passive aggressive or juvenile and I tend to lay into them hard.

As for the anti doper talk its not meant to be offensive at individuals here. They have free will I just dont agree with their choices. Thats their decision though. To me its sad and self destructive as it embraces apathy as virtue. Same can be said for MANY other forms of coping through.. whatever. Alchohol is no different but I dont see people promoting alcoholism these days. I think when I wrote that above it was due to some responses I was getting earlier from people here that were obviously high and on dope because it was some of the most ignorant and juvenile behavior I have encountered online.

Probably sounds like I hate Costner but I actually dont. In terms of his Work I think hes very solid and like the 80s to early 90s stuff. This Horizon approach he is going is full of strangeness though. Its almost as if he WANTS it to bomb.


What's woke about it? Are there obvious LGBTQ themes or anti-racist messages? Are minorities cast in roles that seem forced? Is it preachy? Does it push progressive politics? If not, then it ain't 'woke.'

I haven't seen it, but I think the main issue is that people don't want to go to theaters much anymore, especially for a three-hour movie. From what I hear, it's just an okay movie, not a must-see.


I was referring to Costner himself not the film. Basically going the woke route and then telling his fans to suck it. That doesnt go over very well. When you are a filmmaker its EXTREMELY dumb. Its a little less damaging if you are just an actor.... still dumb to take that route though. Fans ARE basically what give you that career.

The Film could be Spartacus but it doesnt matter if people refuse to support it and go watch. Sometimes its best to just keep your mouth shut as an artist and let your work do the talking. Costner has always been arrogant but hes gone completely off the rails. As far as I know hes never expressed political aspirations. What a dummy. Oh Well Pride comes before the fall. He should know because its in a whole lot of his characters hes portrayed through the years. Crash Davis, Tin Cup etc. The guy is just dense and reckless.


Ah ok, that makes sense. I didn't know that Costner told fans to suck it. I don't know much about his politics. I recently saw an interview with him on the Adam Carolla podcast. He was very humble and seemed like a stand up guy. He didn't push any politics and he came off sounding like a conservative.


Its in this thread but buried under other replies.. Here. I will let his words speak for themselves. Kevin has NEVER been conservative. Its all an act and always has been. Hes pals with the Clintons. More elitist liberal than anything else.

"I think he's even showing now that he's a person of a level of energy and integrity and of vision and that's why I did it. I don't often step out.” Although he hasn't hit the campaign trail for the general election, Costner has endorsed Joe Biden for president."

"He also said at the time that he’d in interested in a Michelle Obama presidency. “Michelle’s incredibly bright and articulate and has possessed good judgement and experience as a result,” Costner said. “Why couldn’t she be [president]?”

"Actor Kevin Costner said he was “OK” with losing fans over his political views, saying he “didn’t really care how the cookie crumbles”


Wow, that's disappointing. Actors should really keep their mouths shut when it comes to politics.


I thought Americans got to vote for whoever they wanted to vote for?


What's interesting is that...back in the 80's when he was first breaking out as a star, I believe that Costner was one of a handful of stars who said he leaned Republican. Which is always rare in that town these days, which is why I remember it.

Of course, the 80's were the time of President Ronald Reagan -- the "former movie star President" who was fairly liked in bi-partisan ways -- and action stars like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and Bruce Willis claimed to be Republican-leaning too. It was safer to be a Republican movie star then. Only Schwarzenegger has kept the label, but he's actually supportive of progressive politics(especially on the environment.) The rest of the action guys now claim to be independent, except evidently Costner has gone all the way over to the Dems. Willis announced his split from the Reps and move to Independent long before he became ill.
