MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > The politicalization is making me hate i...

The politicalization is making me hate it

All the transparent SJW, muh diversity, BLM agenda pushing this movie is being used for is making me sick. I hope it bombs.


I hate this argument. Yes, the press behind this film may be touting it as a second coming and that is a little bit overboard but there is something to be celebrated in this film and also it isn't even half as politically motivated as all the press surrounding it. Also, this was worked on by very dedicated people and should be rewarded for the work they put into it.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here-


What's hilarious is some morons think Wakanda is a real place.




"Black Panther is, culturally and commercially, the right film at the right time. The significance of bringing a black superhero to the screen at this moment cannot be overstated."
-leonard maltin

That is his review of this movie. None of that statement has anything to do with the quality of the film,and has no place in a movie review if it doesn't want to seem politicized.




Yeah, this what I find really sad. It looks like something I might enjoy, even though I'm not big into superheroes. I loved the previous work of the director Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan in Creed. But the politicization and racialization of this film has completely turned me off and made me not want to see it.


Your English is very limited here. Are you saying the movie is pushing the BLM agenda, or are you saying BLM is pushing the movie? Not quite sure, but neither is correct. If BLM is pushing this movie, you'd have to intentionally look for it to find it because it's not going to be a megaphone in your face held by a BLM member. And if your claim is that Black Panther is pushing the BLM agenda, you're on the wrong track. Wakanda is criticized for being idle during the slave trade, not for being idle during Kaepernick taking a knee, lol.

Also, you complain about SJWs and "muh diversity" yet the cast isn't very diverse. It's diverse enough for what it needs to be, but doesn't go overboard with it.

It's funny how right-leaning white people are triggered by a big budget superhero movie because it has a black cast. Suddenly, things are now too political for you... so much that you want the movie to bomb not based on its merits, but because of how easily your panties twist in response to political issues.


Your reading comprehension is very limited here.


Doubtful. If I failed to comprehend something, you most likely would've explained exactly what it was that I failed to comprehend. Chances are I responded to exactly what you were saying, but because I pointed out your lack of English, you got your panties in a twist... again.


I can tell by your response that you're not an intelligent person and can only argue with emotions.


You are free to explain, but you continue to refuse. You started the thread with "I hope it bombs" which is an argument purely based on emotion without explanation. Now here you are passing it off on someone else so you can continue avoiding explaining anything.


The only thing more cynical than the well-calculated hype was the triggered fear-based pre-movie backlash... Now that we've seen how tame the movie actually is, just another Marvel movie for under 12 year olds, both the pro and anti hordes look incredibly foolish...

At least the studios and the media had a self-serving financial motive for stirring up controversy and hype, whereas the SJWs and the Alt-types all just got played, by causing such a fuss... Over a mild, toy-based movie for children... 😉

Don't take my word for it, just look at threads from last week... It's embarassing... 😁

Fears of promoting a black fascism, fears of movie sabotage... fears or this, fears of that... Greatest ever, worst ever... Controversy & Hype... Will change Hollywood forever, will destroy Hollywood forever... Really?!

In the end those of us who are interested in movies and have actually watched Black Panther have managed to discuss the finer points of it's filmmaking pro & con, including the motives and perspectives of the characters and the political and philosophical themes of the movie in a much more nuanced and contextualised way in a handfull of posts then any of the pro/anti hype & controversy crowd have been able to do in pages of empty sound and fury... 😉

In a way it's mildly interesting to see a corporate marketing campaign for a toy movie expose so much of America's cultural trauma and psychic wounds... A bit too post-modern for my taste, but noteworthy nonetheless 🤔

We now have to "look forward to" weeks of score taking and analysis by fans who have been conditioned to treat boxoffice results and website ratings as a spectator sport... Having chosen their corporate teams DC vs. Marvel, they are tribally loyal and probably don't even need to have seen the movie to participate in the actual main event of scoretaking... 😂

People have even had to make up a word to delude themselves as to the nature of this social condition... Fandom has replaced fan(anticism) 😉


I get it. SJWs are annoying, but the SJW crowd that's doing what the OP claims they are doing are such a minority that you have to go out of your way to find it. A shining example are the threads on this board. Going through pages and pages of discussion on here, you don't see the SJW bullshit that you see posted in some Breitbart or Fox News article about white SJWs asking if they should wait to see the movie so they don't interfere with a black person's experience. That crap is hardly present. Yet here in this very forum, there are plenty of responses like this OP who wants it to bomb simply because of SJWs. It's not tit for tat, not even close. The alt-right's pre-hatred of this film, desperate to see it fail without even knowing the merits of it, far exceeds the SJW nonsense. Most "SJW" comments aren't even technically SJW... they are just people that wanted to see a big budget movie with a black cast succeed. Oh no... the arrogance, brazenness and pomposity of some people eh?


Funny thing is it's depicted as right leaning, why so many on the right liked it and why it broke expectations cause it actually (guessing) drew conservatives to see the movie as well. Was watching an infowar segment (curiosity) with Milo and he enjoyed it (excluding cause he likes black c*ck) and that it fits the right narrative to some extent. Maybe if they made movies that appealed to both left and right folks, it does better? I dunno...
