MovieChat Forums > Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024) Discussion > Is There Really An Audience For This In ...

Is There Really An Audience For This In 2024??

I feel like they simply waited way too long to make a sequel to this and so long, Gen Z probably doesn't even know what the 1st movie was or who it was made by?? Why did they wait so long to do this??


I asked the same question on this very board ("Who wanted this?").


If they make sequels for every great movies from the 80s and 90s, so why not this one?
However I think it is very lame to hire Jenna Ortega. She plays in every horror movie these days. She annoys the hell out of me


I Don think she's annoying but I've only seen her in xx and the babysitter. I can see what you mean though. I'm more annoyed at the memberberries sequel formula being on display again.


Hollywood doesn’t care about Gen Z - they’re a small generation who don’t care about cinema. That’s why they’re always pandering to Boomers and Gen X with endless belated sequels.

If they do a good job with this then it could do very well. The liklihood, however, is that they’ll screw it up by employing uselss ‘talent’ and cramming it with woke, in which case it will fail.


Keaton is somewhat popular again and Burton became relevant with the Wednesday show, Winona is in a popular series and they saw it as a good starring vehicle for Ortega. The studio wasn't interested before, that is the reason it was never developed seriously.

I think this might actually be good, it doesn't have the woke vibes.


I dare say seeing the success of Top Gun: Maverick too might have had a hand in it for these studios. Suddenly they've been shown what is possible for a popular once standalone 80's movie.


Forced brown lead - that’s some woke right there. Not a good start.


Why forced? She has the right look and she is popular right now.


Forced brown and you know it.


Who on earth are you referring to? Jenna Ortega? You mean the lead of the highly successful Wednesday series? She's a huge name. Beetlejuice is a gothic-adjacent series and she absolutely has legitimate credentials to star in a movie like this after her success there.

This is literally just "non-white people cast in things = woke" mentality.


Hey stalker


You replied to me in other threads all over the place. You keep replying to me.

You spent weeks of your life following me around on the forum and trying to harass me.

Going to actually respond to my comment here?


Any more excuses, stalker?


It is no more "stalking" than you replying to me in the other thread when I replied to maixu.

Or when you follow me around and reply to posters I am talking to. You are engaging in obvious, blatant hypocrisy.


Any more excuses, stalker?

Regurgitate your last response if so…


I'm just going to cut and paste myself.

It is no more "stalking" than you replying to me in the other thread when I replied to maixu.

Or when you follow me around and reply to posters I am talking to. You are engaging in obvious, blatant hypocrisy.


>Regurgitate your last response if so…

Literally just the Scientology mentality of stalking. People with cameras following you around getting your face, shouting that you're following them, asking you what are your crimes, bumping into you and shouting "assault".




I want to see a trailer first before deciding on if I want to see it.


The marketing largely creates the audience.

Contrary to what other respondents have claimed, films such as these are aimed primarily at younger adults. That's the demographic that buys the most cinema tickets. But they also want to appeal to the built-in nostalgia crowd to maximum ticket sales.

Some of the younger generation will, of course, be aware of Beetlejuice through parents or other older adults in their lives. Some will be aware of it through memes and general pop culture. But the bulk of them will become aware of it through the marketing of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

Now, quite why young adults can get themselves caught up in someone else's nostalgia is beyond me. But they often do. Tim Burton has already pulled this trick with 'Wednesday'.


"Now, quite why young adults can get themselves caught up in someone else's nostalgia is beyond me."

^Really? Ever heard of "Back to the Future"?


I have heard of Back to the Future, yes. What about it?


BTTF was a massive hit with 80s kids while the movie had tons of 50s nostalgia their parents would like. The 80s kids got caught up in a movie full of 50s nostalgia.


Yeah. You're not wrong. Slightly different point from the one I was making though, which was more about belated sequels -- rather than period nostalgia within a film. Imagine if Back to the Future 2 hadn't come out until 2022. It'd be something like that.

My point was that these belated sequels to old 'IPs' are primarily marketed at young adults who will get caught up in the nostalgia -- even though they weren't even alive at the time of the first film.

Personally, I don't get that. But then I struggle with the idea of nostalgia anyway. I think it's more of a trusted brand thing. But I'm really not sure.


Nostalgia is learned. Someone such as myself and other boomers will fondly remember items from their childhood and youth.


Yes, mate. I'm aware of what nostalgia is. I just don't suffer from an excess of it, and think it's become culturally destructive.


Ryder, Burton and Keaton are back. I enjoy Jenna Ortega's performances.

This doesn't seem like a cash in to me. I don't think all those people would be involved if they didn't have an idea they believed in.


Keaton is pretty old though. He doesn’t have that same spring or energy. I am really curious where they will take this
Movie though


Considering the trailer already has garnered 3 million views in a short time, I say there IS an audience for this. 80's and 90's fan unite.
