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What can break the video game movie curse?

Uncharted and a Tomb Raider reboot are currently being made. Any chance one of them will be good?



Dead Space


Silent Hill was decent, Resident Evil (the first) was decent.

Other than that - Metal Gear Solid would make a terrific film if done correctly, but it seems all too often that the filmmakers' attempts at creating original stories fall short... Metal Gear could work because Kojima has not let just anyone make a movie out of his games - if it gets made, he will have plenty to do with it and will have a say in the directors.

Other games that COULD be great but would get butchered:

The Last of Us
Tomb Raider (already butchered)
Ocarina of Time (live action or animated - I think it would be cool to see)


The only thing that can make a video game movie translation work well is for the story to stand on it's own. It has to be immediately accessible to non-gamers and gamers alike. It has to tell new stories and reveal new insights, not just rehash what has already been said and done in the game. And to do that you NEED active and ongoing participation by the original developers. Retelling the same story works for books because even if most of the world already knows the story, there is so much range in interpretation of the visual and audio cues throughout the reader base that the movie still feels fresh and new. With games, especially nowadays, much of those visual and audio gaps are filled in already. There's no room for interpretation. So no, I don't think that a movie version of Ocarina of Time would be a good idea. We've already seen that one. What I could get behind is a NEW Legend of Zelda, written specifically for cinema, with new characters and new subplots that expand an already extensive mega-verse of alternate timelines, realities and dreamscapes and would fit well, with the over-all body of work. What gets people in trouble is they're in too focused on trying to re-create the 'game' experience (Doom) that will NOT translate into cinema. Leave gaming to games. That's why we play them. Make a movie the way great movies are made: with engaging characters, eye-pleasing settings and a though-provoking story.
Games like Tomb Raider that already come off like an episodic serial (akin to Indiana Jones or James Bond) should have done well or even been easy. But I think they got too caught up with getting Angelina Jolie to actually put any thought into anything else. Game movies should be a way to introduce new talent and new ideas. They already have a strong fan base plugged into the franchise And assuming you don't do something completely outrageous or stupid, they're willing to give even the most far-fetched of ideas a try for the sake of the franchise alone (Mario Bros). Give em a reason to enjoy the movie as a movie and they will enjoy it.

~Dolcie Far Niete'~


Final Fantasy X.


It needs to have a good story and actual characters.
And there is a difference between a story and a plot.
A story is what happens inside the character over the course of the movie.
The plot is the events that happen outside of the character.

Jurassic Park:
The plot is: people go to an island full of dinosaurs, dinosaurs get loose, and
the people have to run, hide, survive and escape.
The story is: A naive old man fulfill his dream, but then realises how wrong he was all along as he watches it all fall apart, and a man with a disdain for children discovers his parental instincts.

Plot: Orcs invade the world of the humans, and humans have to repel it.
Story: There barely is one. And the only thing close to an actual character is that main Orc, whatever his name is.
That is why that movie is such a terrible, overplotted mess.


Videogame-based movie?

Chance of being good?

Highly highly unlikely. asked.


wreck it ralph and Postal already broke the curse,

besides mortal kombat was really great


Uwe Boll
