MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > How is the movie for someone with no kno...

How is the movie for someone with no knowledge of the game?

I am not a gamer. Last video game I played was Snake Rattle And Roll (no, really). That said, this looks relatively interesting (I like Fassbender) so I'm wondering how it stands "on its own", with zero regard for how faithful it is to the game (games?)

And while you're responding, if you'd throw in a comment about how much or little it uses shaky-cam, I'd appreciate that.


I understood it fine and knew nothing about the game! Thought it was great.


The story is all jumbled and doesn't really make sense in the end. But in the end you have to see it if you wanna see it. Don't base your decision off how other people perceive it.


Everyone with a passing familiarity for Matrix style trapping will follow along just fine. I don´t even think that being a fan of the games will "elevate" the film that much. I finished all console games + the Vita one and i can´t say that seeing elements i recognizor made the film better as a standalone product. It´s on ok sci-fi thriller and nothing else.6,5/10


'Last video game I played was Snake Rattle And Roll'

Mind officially blown


I've only played part of the first game, but I thought the movie was easy to follow, and very entertaining.


I'm a fan of the AC games and I hated this movie. Shaky cam in every action scene, writing that would make Shyamalan cringe, forced attempts to integrate elements from the games, the animus apparently having no consistent logic to it, I could go on.
But, as a fan what I hated the most was how they portrayed the Assassins. In the games, they had very Enlightenment-style philosophies that were way ahead of their time and really made their whole "work in the shadows to serve the light" thing seem meaningful enough for their acts of theft and murder to seem justified in the long run. In the movie, they were little better than a cult of terrorists with no clear motivation other than "eh, at least we're not the Illuminati", and are willing to kill their own spouses and children because "their blood is not their own". No, really. That happens. I guess the literal first tenant of the Assassin's Creed, "Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent", was somehow completely lost to history.


In hindsight the guy who made Macbeth was a terrible choice. They forgot they needed to charm the audience. This movie needed to be Iron man 1 and they made the watchmen.


Watchmen is great, *beep* are you talking about?


I never played the games but thought it worked out pretty well. The action sequences to me looked a bit like a super enhanced version of a Jason Bourne film but I was able to make out the choreography well enough and I admired the film most for these action sequences. I'm hearing from some others that they could barely make out what was happening. I did not have that problem.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


First, I am an action game virgin: the most violent game I've played is Mario Kart. Second, if you go into the movie expecting it to fail, it will. Third, no movie can ever be exactly like a video game, just like no movie can ever be exactly like a book.

That said, I had a little trouble following the story at first, but then at the end it made sense, because they gave clues for you to follow, clues that eventually tied together in the end of the movie. I really liked how it tied the present day to the past, and showed how the main character learned through the Animus what was going on and the skills he needed. It was a great action movie on its own, and while I don't have a game system other than a Wii, it made me want to get my hands on some of the books because I am a voracious reader. Any ideas where to start on the books would be welcome. lol
