MovieChat Forums > Assassin's Creed (2016) Discussion > How is the movie for someone with no kno...

How is the movie for someone with no knowledge of the game?

I am not a gamer. Last video game I played was Snake Rattle And Roll (no, really). That said, this looks relatively interesting (I like Fassbender) so I'm wondering how it stands "on its own", with zero regard for how faithful it is to the game (games?)

And while you're responding, if you'd throw in a comment about how much or little it uses shaky-cam, I'd appreciate that.


I havnt seen it yet I'm going in a couple of days. Like yourself iv not played the games I'm just a big fan of Michael Fassbender and as he produced this film too and he had never played the game before himself, he wanted to make it simple for us non gamers to follow. He says that in loads of utube interviews. So I wouldn't worry about not being a gamer.


I'm a fairly casual gamer, but I've never played Assassin's Creed. It looks great in parts, but is ultimately a confused mess. The plot feels like it could do with a few more drafts to both make it coherent and remove all the action-movie cliches, which it is riddled with.


I went to see this last night with someone who's never played the games before (I did try to give him a brief outline of the plot) and it made fairly clear sense to him as well, even without my bad description.

In my opinion, the only thing that didn't really come across that well in the movie is how much parkour is used in the game, just in terms of exploration, plus the lack of one of the characters climbing to the tallest height possible and "synchronising" the area. Plus, the changes they made to the animus didn't really seem necessary either.,


Snake Rattle 'n' Roll is one of my favourite games ever! A friend got me to do some of the challenges on it on his Xbox's Rare Replay, as I was still better than him despite not playing it for a very long time. I don't really play games aside from multiplayer these days either.


I actually found the film okay. It's not confusing, pretty much explains most stuff, with only feel of the movie not really being deep enough. Overall not bad.
