This is wild!

Only on ep 2 but jaw dropping so far.


Wild ... in what way?


A lot of shady allegations dating back to the Reagan administration. It’s interesting where this story begins, with one company not getting paid, then to a journalist being found dead by mysterious circumstances to two other journalists picking up the story and trying to find the endpoints. A lot of twists and turns, strange alliances, and lowlife characters.


I'll have to look for this. Sounds like my kind of tale.


Wild as in total BS?


No, it tells the tale of the investigative journalism process itself, and shows how many rabbit holes it can lead to. Spoiler alert - in the end you see that powerful people can hide their tracks by placing a lot of shady, unstable characters into the plot to throw truthseekers off their trail.


"powerful people can hide their tracks by placing a lot of shady, unstable characters into the plot to throw truthseekers off their trail."

Yeah, so total BS.


The doc is not about what’s true or not, it’s about the dark world this all swirls around in which is interesting.


In this case there was no connection to a "dark world" (except Casolaro and Riconosciuto's imagination). I have not seen this show, but I doubt they were able to expose anything about any kind of dark world.


This is not an exposé. If you are looking for some big reveal then this is not for you.

This is about investigative journalists who give up their whole lives to chase a story, get obsessed with leads, uncover juicy tidbits that just feed their curiousity more and more. It’s a curiousity killed the cat story, that two more cats decide to pick up and chase some more. It’s a procedural that becomes meta at some point. I thought it was well done and very compelling from start to finish.


So in other words, it's a big nothing burger, a giant carrot dangling in front of our noses, and tells us nothing we didn't already know. There was no conspiracy. How is this "wild"? Or mindblowing, or shocking or whatever social media is trying to tell us?


Why so much negativity? I was just trying to recommend something good, and gave enough extra info for you and others to decide for themselves.


"Wild" seemed like an exaggeration based on your own description, though.

Frankly, based on other reviews (on IMDb), it seems the show isn't that well-made and the makers do promote conspiracy theories. I can't help but have a negative reaction to that.


I just finished it and I came to the conclusion.

The only thing that I got out of this is that some people let their imaginations run wild and get trapped in a world of conspiracies.

It’s a tragedy of how people destroyed themselves.


Me too. Absolutely riveted.

Havent seen something this fascinating in a long time.

Great stuff.


What the hell is Andy Griffith doing?


Lol, I see it! Unfortunately getting caught up chasing a lot of dangerous leads to one strange, convoluted story. He should have stayed in Mayberry.
