MovieChat Forums > The Nice Guys (2016) Discussion > This would be decent without Holly (Gosl...

This would be decent without Holly (Gosling's kid).

To me it is a sign of bad writing when kids talk like adults in movies. But this film took it to a whole new level. Not only does the child thinks and talks like an adult, but she is also involved in the action scenes (way too much). She became irritating very quick.
I was ready to stop watching when she said: "I need a drink." LIKE COME ON! YOU ARE A CHILD! She's also a massive hypocrite. She's able to threaten a grown man with a gun, but she DEMANDED that Crowe didn't kill John Boy. This is just stupid.
I'm willing to forgive the movie's other flaws, but this is pushing it too far.


I heard they're re-issuing the movie based entirely on your feedback. They really care what you think, so they are replacing Holly with a CGI poodle.

In all seriousness, you just need to meet a higher class of children. My daughter's been actually conversing like an adult since she was 5. Really, just upgrade the kids you know,it'll work wonders for your attitude.


"Just say anal" is what you consider a "higher class of kid"? Ha!


out of the entire movie, the only word you focus on is anal? must be some strong fetish to have that kind of pinpoint focus on 1 word.



I'm laughing so hard at your comment, because the first thing I thought of was "what kind of kids does this person know?" She wasn't 3, she was a teen and a precocious one, who it appeared had gone through a lot. I've also worked with kids for 25 years and I've heard 6 year olds who speak on a higher level than most adults "and stuff" haha


I wasn't a fan of Holly both times she tried to convince Crowe of not killing those two guys. I accepted it the first time because she didn't know who the hell the blue faced guy was, but with John Boy who was actually in her home and told her directly he was gonna kill her and asked for Jessica's help in return for being spared. I just couldn't get over that.

I also wasn't a fan of Gosling's drinking problem and immaturity. I thought he was going to redeem himself like a badass, but even his attempt near the end of the movie when he fell into the pool was half-assed and lucky.

I get he's suppose to be opposite of Crowe's persona, but it went too far where I just hated him as a character.

There's other things I just wasn't a fan of. The movie's not your traditional one where you expect A, B, and C and I guess that may be what made it so appealing, but not to me.


I agree, it'd be decent without Holly, however with Holly it's instead awesome :D


I liked Holly, but was annoyed when she was trying to convince Healy not to kill John Boy.

Happy birthday Jesus, sorry your party is so lame. - Michael Scott


What is with this "Boo-hoo a child didn't want someone murdered!" crap. She's obviously not a giant asshole yet, like almost everybody on this board, apparently. But give it time. It's hard to come across an adult these days who isn't one.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


Well said. Holly was the best thing in the movie with Rice stealing the show.


Seconded. She was amazing.


I agree, Holly carried the movie. She's a terrific actress and has a good future in acting. I also like the interaction she had with Ryan.


I don't think she was the best thing in the movie but she certainly held her own with the grown actors.

She's a kid - of course, she's going to have some paradoxes at that weird age of 13. Still not wanting to see someone purposefully kill another person with their hands (not in a situation where he is obviously being violent in a defensive way) blends with doing things she knows her dad would do - threatening to shoot people, for example.

Making stupid mistakes (the cold coffee scene).

I like that this movie had a kid who wasn't living out the problems caused by the trauma of her mom's death. I like that the movie didn't dwell on the problems in that family. I like that the movie had a subplot that was about family (father raising daughter as a single parent). What did not ring true was how the whole thing had to take place in the summer because that is when Holly would not be in school. A little too neat. Even back then, kids' lives revolved around school and activities with friends.


She's obviously not a giant *beep* yet, like almost everybody on this board

SMH, no wonder IMDB is shutting these boards down. People don't seem to know how to disagree with others without name calling.

Happy birthday Jesus, sorry your party is so lame. - Michael Scott


Agreed, it was like Sesame Street going terribly wrong, stupid plot device.

Love is...


Crowes character should've had the daughter. Early 20's. Same idea, but not borderline pedo. And sorry, kids may try and speak like an adult, but there brains are not developed like ones. That's why they are called children.


She drives the car and so on... she is a fun factor in this comedy. Her character not meant to be serious, just like a lot of things in this movie.
