Poor Sportsmanship

Creed ended with the winner congratulating the loser on giving a great bout, telling him that he has a great future. But that didn't happen in Creed II. It was all "Me..Me..ME!!" He did not even check to see if the loser was physically okay, since the fight ended prematurely. Poor sportsmanship, a lousy example to young people watching this film.


Drago's father killed Creed's father. Why should Creed care how Drago Jr is?


It wasn't Viktor who killed him. And it would've been great if there's some redemption at the end.


Part of the reason these Creed movies fall flat for me is I can’t empathize with Adonis. He didn’t have to fight. He was a smart guy. He chose to fight. Rocky had to fight. He was an idiot who had no other life skills. He was relatable. Adonis isn’t a bad guy but he’s not relatable to the Everyman. Certain parts of Adonis’ character were not well written IMO. Unless that’s what they were going for. To make him both an antagonist and a protagonist. Obviously more good guy than bad guy but enough wrinkles in his character to make you not fully care about him. Unlike Rocky who you were 100% behind at all times.


And Rocky was also an humble man (even if someone mocked him he almost never lost his head) but Creed is the typical, "I'll show you how cool I am", aggressive and egoistical guy.


Apollo was like that too, but it was mainly showmanship. He was a gentleman outside of the ring.


"He was a gentleman outside of the ring."

Except when he needed Rocky to accept a revenge and wasso desperate that he decided to harass him...


I could not have said it better, agree 100%. It's a shame too, because love Michael B Jordan....but the character of Adonis just doesn't do it for me as well. My primary interest of the Creed films was, and always will be Rocky. Rocky is my favorite cinematic character of all time. If Creed III happens, and Stallone does indeed bow out, I might as well. Or at the very least it'll be a wait for dvd kind of movie.


I can't relate to Adonis either although I like Creed 2 a lot. He simply isn't as charming and likable as Rocky and Apollo were. The Drago's otoh we're very very interesting and I empathized with them in this film.

I think my problem is Adonis' gangsta attitude, even the way he talked to his boss in the first film. He was raised since 98 with a silver spoon in his mouth and he's just very arrogant and rude.


Dude grew up in juvie & foster homes.

He was the product of an affair that his step mother adopted when he was like a teenager.

He's a street guy first & foremost


He was a street guy up to 10, then lived a life of luxury yet still acts like a thug wearing branded clothes. I doubt Rocky had an easy life, he worked for a loan shark when he was 30. So he had a hard life much longer, 30 years than Adonis (10 years). In fact, although we know little of Apollo's life, I think he too worked hard from nothing to achieve what he achieved and yet he was far more likable I'm. The only time I sympathized and liked Adonis was when he was at the hospital bed and that whole period after when he doubted himself.


He was 12 or 13.

Apollo died in '85 and Adonis was in juvie in '98.

That's more than enough time to be involved in all kinds of stuff.

Remember, Mary Anne adopted him when he got out of SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.

That's not for the low level street kid criminals.

Hell, I'm from the hood, I knew people who were stealing cars at 11.

I knew people who were having sex at 9 and 10.


Sorry but I know poor people and I'm from a developing nation, having 10-12 years of hard life compared to 30 years of hard life does not excuse the former of bad behavior. In fact tbh, a lot of poor people in the US are still more lucky than others, yet they're the ones who have all the excuses to be disrespectful and lazy. Not that Adonis is lazy mind you. I just don't agree with that hood concept of being disrespectful towards everyone.


Oh stop it.

The guy's not doing drive by shootings and selling drugs, he just shows some attitude and talks like a guy who grew up in the ghetto with a crack head mother and was in solitary confinement at 13.

You act like he's running around like El Chapo or something.

Folks like you can't wait to tell poor people in America how grateful they should be, but would kill yourself before you had to live like them and will go out of your way to make sure your kids will never have to live the lives of people from the same hoods that you claim we're "lucky" to be from.


You seem to be taking this personally. It still doesn't change the fact that acting gangsta after 20 years of privileged rich boy's life is bratty. Go ahead and be offended, I won't bother anymore. Bye.


The point is he NOT acting gangsta.

He's not selling drugs or robbing anybody or killing anybody.

The only issue here is your classist belief that anybody who acts a certain way is acting "gangsta", as opposed to acting like somebody from a lower socioeconomic background, which is what he is, even if he got plucked out of that environment as a teenager.


You cut and pasted your résumé nearly word for word from your attack on my comment about the same movie. You have a chip on your shoulder, sir. Siding with Adonis because he's like you does not give you street cred. It just means you identify with an imaginary character.


I have a chip on my shoulder because of racist, classists like you who think that it's Black people's job to go out of our way to make people like you comfortable with the way we act, dress, and talk even when it's relatively benign.

I don't need street cred.


There’s the racist charge.

What took you so long?



Hey, I call it how I see it.

What took you so long to respond to a 3 month old comment?


It’s a very inactive board.

If you call it as you see it you may need to get your vision checked.

Till then, keep on hatin’ and keepin’ it real.


I will do that.

Will continue to hate racists and keep hitting them with the real.



LMAO, you're talking to a dude with 2 jobs in a thread where an educated Black man who worked as an investment banker before becoming a boxer was being accused of having a "gangsta attitude".

Apparently it's YOU who need to be educated.

And I never will stop keeping it real with bigots like you.





Its funny you mention that because I felt a scene was missing too. The other boxer...his entire life was dedicated to boxing, Drago said it himself, that it was all he knew.
And in that moment, it collapses around him and they made sure to capture it on his face. That look he gave...I felt sympathy for the guy, personally. And I was fully expecting Creed to go make it right with him, to say something or something...and then just...nothing.

Yeah it was a great movie, but that was a real missed opportunity, IMO. Like...you felt the absence of that moment...it was noticeable.


That's what the original films were about. Relationships, empathy, and that bond boxers shared with each other from the mutual pain of their sport.


Oh, fvck young people. Every one is always so concerned and worried about oversensitive little pansy ass kids. If some little shit face is offended because in a movie some boxer didnt make amends to the other then they're going to be in for a hard life.


Dude, did you watch the movie?

Viktor & his dad taunted Adonis the whole movie about killing his dad, what he's supposed to be nice to those people?

Are you serious?


There's a deleted scene that takes place in the locker room that would be exactly what you're asking for. It's on youtube.


Thanks for the deleted scene reference. It's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9muG9BMa2-c

They should have used it.


agreed about the deleted scene

I guess they figured Ivan and Viktor jogging together was enough, but I respectfully disagree

It saves Adonis from being exactly what this thread is criticizing, without losing who he really is

It's also a nice callback to the end of "Creed," showing Adonis is worthy of the respect he got from Conlan

And best of all, it resolves Rocky and Ivan's remaining dispute


There can be no apologies for beating up on Whitey.
