MovieChat Forums > Noufa > Replies

Noufa's Replies

Haven't seen most on your list but Nacho Libre & Scary Movie are among my favorite comedies from this era. White Chicks gets a ton of hate but I love the Wayans Bros. I'd add: -Mean Girls -Tropic Thunder -Team America: World Police -Hot Rod -Juno I also have a soft spot for Employee of the Month. I only wish Dane Cook leaned more into the absurd like Dax Shepard. Santino's cover of Kiss You All Over, the "new-ish" Chevy Malibu, the clubhouse, Harland Williams. More stuff like that would've made it memorable. Less of a poor man's Office Space. I use a 50/50 water/vinegar solution to wipe down my toilet. Do so daily, right before jumping in the shower. It's not the best disinfectant. Still like to use bleach once a month for that. But vinegar's nice because I can keep it in a small spray bottle by the toilet & have it always ready. Bleach would break down & destroy the bottle. She's right that vinegar works well on hardwater stains. I use TP to wipe the toilet & the residual vinegar just from that keeps the bowl clear of stains. Most of the men in her life were closet cases, including her dad & multiple husbands. And she was rumored to have performed in gay clubs. Subtle stuff. But for the 60s, pretty unusual. Menashe. And maybe I'm misremembering but was the family in E.T. Jewish? Disposable is the right word. Listening to the music & seeing the pictures, there's an element of glamour to disco. We think of it as "tacky" because it included a lot of lower-class people trying to make themselves look fancy. People were TRYING. House/techno/rave were more fratty. Very common to see a guy in a tank top, jeans & baseball cap. And those who did dress up are mostly just being campy. Nothing wrong with that, it's just left no legacy. I've knocked out a couple teeth. Both were re-implanted. So I haven't actually had to get an implant. When waiting on the re-implant, I looked into my options. I thought an implant would be best because it's less of a hassle than a bridge. But the initial implant process takes several months. And they can last as little as a decade. IOW an implant is not THAT much better than a bridge. Not enough to warrant the cost, IMO. There are consequences to the politicization of the scientific method. People, especially on the right, distrust the field of psychology. And they're not wrong to do so: It's shallow but I always thought light hair makes people look haggard. Like gray hair. Dark hair catches the eye, especially coupled with pale skin. I think it's the contrast because I have a similar reaction to people with super dark skin. The light of the eyes/teeth clashes with the skin. IDK if he was explicitly Jewish in that movie. But the script borrowed heavily from Caddyshack, a movie about an uncouth Jewish outsider stepping on the toes of uptight WASPs. It's not an insult. It's who he is. FWIW I've heard you can change an accent up through your teens. After that, it "hardens". He probably had a chance to work on it as a kid. But who knows how serious he took it? He was just a kid & probably more focused on schoolwork. Can't really blame him or his parents for not seeing how it might hurt his career. It's just an accent. Not like he has poor grammar/vocabulary. That poor people don't shop there. Really? Back in the day, my local Aldi didn't accept food stamps. Or even credit cards. It was cash only. Deleted my post because you pretty much said the same thing but beat me by a couple minutes. <blockquote>Present war in which Russians were bombing near the Ukrainian nuclear site proves they are not safe.</blockquote> How so? Nuclear fuel is not explosive. And reactors are buried deep underground to avoid damage in times of war. It would take effort to target them & cause a meltdown. It would be much easier to just use their warheads. They probably (hopefully) won't do either because they don't want the political backlash from fence-sitters like India/China. Not to mention the nuclear fallout would be right on their border. If Russia's intent was to just sow chaos, they could cause much more damage by attacking hydroelectric dams in Ukraine. Kiev sits right on a river & could really be messed up. <blockquote>Actually, we are banning fossil fuel cars. Many countries have legislation to replace them with electric cars.</blockquote> They're banning them because of carbon emissions. Not pollution. Never saw Crash. Tried but instead got the gross car-fetish movie by the same title. Which, BTW, feels even more timely in the age of social media. But the hate for <i>this</i> Crash always bugged me. Because it mostly comes from the clout-chasing, yaoi fanfiction crowd who insist Brokeback was some bold statement. It's not even the 1st "mainstream" movie with a gay hero. Philadelphia was made back in the early 90s. The Color Purple picked at this taboo in the 80s. Anway, thanks for the even-keeled take on both movies. Made me more confident about passing on this one. Hot take: we'll eventually look back at lip injections like we do footbinding. In the 70s, you had thin-lipped queens Farrah Fawcett, Olivia Newton John, Bo Derek, Catherine Bach, Lynda Carter, Cheryl Ladd. And yet, nobody felt a need to belittle big-lipped beauties Loni Anderson or Racquel Welch. Feels a like a regression. I'm loathe to single out people because of the looks they were born with. But I can't think of anyone who looks BAD because of their thin lips. The hate for it is just baffling. You're right about Bush. The Iraq War was a tipping point. It pushed Hollywood totally into the camp of Democrats. By the 2010s, Hollywood was outflanking Democrats on "culture war" issues. Especially the gay crap. But it wasn't always this way. In WW2 the industry was basically a branch of the US Military. Pretty jingoistic & traditional. The shift got going in the 70s. Combo of a backlash against McCarthyism & discarding of the Hays Code. I think of "An Unmarried Woman", which is one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. It's like they wanted to make divorce seem fun. Since then, Hollywood has consistently leaned left. But they needed to keep the audience engaged. And a Hollywood product himself, Reagan knew how to turn the screws on the industry. So they teetered between subtly subversive & obnoxiously liberal. I'm not a liberal but there's a reason liberals aren't rallying around this story. "Restorative justice" is trendy in those circles, being pushed as a means of racial reconciliation. It's also a movement with deep roots in Mennonite culture. You see where I'm going with this?