Nirzhormahmud's Replies

Agree with you, its getting better..... No doubt on that. Lol. Some people complaining about it but i like that. Imagine someone who lived his/her life in some sort of heaven & never experienced human's drak sight, our hypocratic society; of course he/she will acted like a child. Complaining/questioning about everything just like a child do everytime before he/she get the reality. :) Right :D At least it just proved he is the legit son of Robert "the hammer king". :D Hahahahaha!! This dialogue just indicate how much f**ked up the westeros is in now-a-days. :D Good thoughts and i agree. Previously i posted a topic "Dothraki horde vs Westeros Mountain Knights", Where i say the same things. As Knights amry i indecate like Vale knight forces who are fully mounted/armored/shielded. Dothraki has no chance against that kind of force, and mybe 40000-45000 vale knights are well enough for bashing them. Yes, it's one of the popular fan comment all over the internet and they brilliantly use it in show!! I like it! Oh! Thats the another one! Lol!! Suddenly i go to the page of Michael rooker and see he has been contracted in Infinity war(rumored)! So mybe its not the ending of this character. In infinity war, there can be create an alternative timeline where he will be alive, who knows, it's all possible since there is a Time gem and doctor strange!!? ;) I agree, we should reduce the global population 70-75% by dropping nuke everywhere. specialy on my home South-east asia. Our population problem is overwhelming. If we can't control it this earlier, in future people starting to eat each other cause of scarcity of food/resources. Nukeing is the best solution, because it's lot of easier than hunting down every sperm-producing grown man and cutting their balls. Americans are visionary, they choose Trump he has courage nukeing. Thats why I support him from the beginning. Your answer is already on the poster of S7. GOT don't need Hitler type leader, It has Night King! Who wants to every living being dead!!! Hitler is infant compare to this desire. But dragon queen promises no dragon fire. It would be funnier if we see the drunk tyrion mounted on the Viserion! :P dwarf on dwarf dragon. Show runners mybe forget about the Ghost! :D Littlefinger is too much to handle for any stark family members or combined. Starks are the glorious/honorable fools, and they probed it every decades. One more thing, Littlefinger will be more better king (except tyrion) then anyone else now playing the game of thrones. Rise of a king from common folk is good for kingdom and this is the better evolution of the civilization. Its lead to the future; Democracy. :P Thats the exactly what I'm try to say. Arya's little show off make him more cautious and he now understand he is surrounded by two or more superficial enemies. Now Sansa mybe depressed deep inside because of no speciality in her and all her life she traded as a royal prostitute here and there, except LF teasing her constantly "command suits you" type inception. I can clearly see the power struggle between her and jon snow wich will be crafted by LF. LF never cut someones throat with his own hands & that is the cause he is still alive and most dangerous player of the game. He was never been trusted in past too but No one never saw him coming though. Now in winterfell he feels like one of his most downward point at the whole TV series time and everybody talk about his death. Player like him will be dead in so easy & cliche way thats not gonna happen. In the recent stand of this series it my be expected but who doesn't know that GOT always came with surprises!! During the training fight of Arya i have seen some kind of jealousy and disturbance in sansa's eyes. LF saw that and defenitely capitalized it in future, thats he always did. Somehow i admire this man for cunningness. :P