Lord Rake's Replies

Oh I see. Well then she should become hot again. This experiment did not work out. What happened to normal gluttony? Dont worry the dems will print more ballots than voters again this time. Your chances are still pretty good with that goofball. I think they saw the hordes that the dems released on the cities before the 2020 election and thought those groups might move onto them after they've burned all their own shit down. Or perhaps it's the violent prisoners that have been shipped from the third world to be dumped in the streets here or the gangs, or all the drug addicts the dems have created who will do anything for their next fix. Those are just a few examples I've heard these folks mention. Is Kanye still in? I'd vote for him if Trump wasn't running. Trumps intelligence is much higher than bush or Obamas when they were in office. He isnt as charming as Obama, but has actually had a life of achievement and success outside of politics. Now it could go to shit fast as you say but I dont think he could get worse than biden first term or bush, in four years unless he has a stroke. Yeah, he claimed Trump said Hitler was a fine guy in the debate. Crazy shit, and did they not clear this subject up in the debate 4 years ago? I wonder if those days are done, the law of diminishing returns. That may have been him cranked up and now they have placed themselves in a situation where the cheating is going to be so obvious that it will break the whole system. Nope, they just found out that the drugs dont do what they used to. It must have been great when they dosed him and the idiot look on his face didnt go away. Im not stepping into the skavau vortex tonight. Sorry. Yes it is the same exact shit. You just agree with most of it so you dont think it is. " Just more baseless horseshit probably lifted from Russian state media this time." This is great considering ALL of your Evidence is lifted from US liberal state media. Well, occasionally you sprinkle in your BBC media as well. The best is yet to come! Yeah, they are really far away. Cant they just fuck up their own region like they've been doing since the beginning of time and leave the people who dont want to fight over sand and worship Baal alone? Trump was there but even your side is wondering where Biden was. They practiced every answer for 3 weeks but forgot to teach him to put on an intelligent face when not talking, so he went to his default confused and scared face and cnn couldnt get a camera angle to hide it. Next debate they will be sure to put a camera behind him so they can just show the back of his head while he is not talking. Come on man, he has dementia and didnt realize it was his daughter. This post didnt age well at all. Scandal or indictment incoming, will be here by Monday. They will probably indict trump again. Or encourage another whack job to say he raped her 35 years ago in an ice cream truck in the middle of Central Park. The bots are probably waiting for their direction and for leftwing articles to be written so they can use them as sources for their "evidence".