Ithilfaen's Replies

Ah yes but who paid for it? :P I think you're going to give yourself a pointless headache trying to figure out something the writers have not given a thought about. It doesn't matter to them. As long as they get their "modern" western setting, they don't give a shit about the whys, whens or wheres. Hence all the plot holes, nonsensicals settings and discrepancies. They banned guns. Why? Just so they can look "badass" and fight like Samurais. They have cars running on... whatever really. We keep getting told of "oil fields" lol as if oil grew in fields. Cars don't run on crude oil anyway. You'd also need massive refineries operating on... love power? Since they don't have electricity. Why? Just so it can look more western. Unfortunately good fight scenes don't make a good show. Yeah no it's just called bad writing. The kind of bad writing that has invincible villains who always have incredible luck because the writers are too bad to know what to do if they kill them. Nah it's just the writers cutting corners again. There is no way she took them all down in one explosion, that's BS. She took the High Sparrow but there were a lot of them, and they were organized. But now that she's basically Joffrey/Ramsay with tits, everything is going to bizarrely go her way until she gets her "surprise" ending. That's elementary school soap writing. She's not going to Winterfell anymore. Maybe that's why she's not there yet. I loved the first episode. The last two episodes have been major let-downs though. I liked some scenes (the Arya scenes last episode among others) but generally speaking, they are not even cutting corners anymore, they are rushing everything to the point it feels like I'm watching the whole run of the show by only seeing the last 10 minutes of every season finale. The whole fleet decimated in 2 mn flat. The Sands eliminated in 5 mn. Casterly Rock taken in 12 seconds. High Gardens and the Tyrells dispatched off screen (supposedly they were not great at fighting but I remember them saving the Lannisters bacon when Stannis was taking Kings Landing, no?) It's all too fast and all too convenient and boring. He always said he wasn't the brain of the family and he's been proving that tenfold this season. This moron actually believes that Cersei will be all peace and rainbows once "all her enemies are gone" lol. What a dumbass. I pitied him at some point but this season, his character breeds nothing but contempt. I already feel bad for Lena Headey for how boring her character has become but I was hoping Coster-Waldau would be given better material. He's doing his best with what he is given though. Still, his contained anger when he learned that Olenna killed his little boy was pretty funny considering it was always kinda obvious who had done it, and the fact that Joffrey was worse than the King he shanked so I really have a hard time seeing what he's so upset about. It was another pitifully written scene where the writers just remove what should be gigantic obstacles with one quick flicker in their race to the finale. Maybe that's why you found it hard to understand what was going on. You think she's terrific? I pity Headey right now. She's giving her best for a character who is just a shadow of what she used to be. She's now exactly like her son and the Bolton bastard: an utterly predictable one-dimensional meanie. That has to be so boring to play. It was always only an excuse anyway. He still killed her precious Daddy and her mother and she's persuaded he's prophesized to kill her so no she won't forgive him. Plus she's now a mustache twirling villain so forgiving him would mean she still had layers and a tiny sliver of humanity and that's just not how they write characters anymore. Right? It's like everybody went into mass hysteria over Little House in the Prairie sentimentality and fortune cookies philosophy. What a load of crap. Looove will save the world. And now let's blow a ton of money on special effects for 3 hours just to give the media something to talk about. Oh and let's add a "twist" of course so that the morons who didn't see it coming (despite it being announced many many many times in the first 30 minutes of the movie) can wet themselves about how smart the movie is. I can see why she pops up everywhere, she's cute and has a charming smile, and a blandness that makes her perfect for the girls next door type. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her; in fact she was good in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (I try to actively forget anything about that horrid Cinderella live action, including the ever awesome Cate Blanchett so nothing personal) but she never really seems to make an impression, just like in Baby Driver. Not sure why the (sic) after Debora though. It's just one of many spelling for the biblical name. It definitely was in my top 3 this year but none of the movies you list would be in my top 10, or anywhere close to it. John Wick, Wonder Woman, Split and the Lego Batman would be in the bottom 10 if anything. Get Out was a predictable overrated mess. Kong and Logan also massively overrated. GOTG2 was pretty good though and Lost City of Z, I haven't seen yet lol are you fucking seriously comparing this crap to Shakespeare? Human nature is layered and complex. No mustache twirling villains doing villainous things for the sake of being hated in Shakespeare's work. This is a soap for old ladies. If you can't acknowledge what you're watching, don't come to forums. <The actress has done her job well. > No she hasn't. In fact, her acting makes the character even more predictable and unwatchable. Regina is not annoying because she's a villain. She's annoying because she's so one-note, you know every thing she's going to do and every line she's going to say before she does. The actress's breathy talk when she's lying is ridiculous and telegraphs everything and she's sporting two expressions: bland fake smile or "I'm going to kill your cat" frown. She's terrible. It wasn't her granddaughter, it was James and Olivia's. She called James "Grandad" and was played by the actress who plays Olivia. Are you serious? Are you watching too much backwards 1950ies period pieces? "Papist"? lol Shouldn't you be on a shelf somewhere? Oh great, now the gossip rags use this site for publicity. Awesome Also, good luck with that grabby hook but Rapp has been an out gay man for decades and Wilson Cruz is too so... move on, people, nothing to see here. Another one going on my ignore list... but since it's apparently impossible to put you on ignore, I guess now we know how the makers of this site intend on monetizing it and I'm out. Cersei will die at the hands of Arya. There is no doubt about it. The "little brother" prophecy is just a red herring, in and out of the book. Cersei has spent most of her life thinking Tyrion would kill her, and hating him for it. And most book readers believe it will be Jaime. if Arya can pass for Walder Frey, she can pass for whomever she wants. She will probably take Jaime's form to get access to Cersei, and she will die too. Arya's journey is one of revenge from which she won't come back but it will be done before the end.