Ithilfaen's Replies

lol where do you get that from? Tumblr? He went mad from too much inbreeding in his family. People love Arya and root for her because they have absolutely no understanding of a character's complexity and they're just happy that she's brutally killing people. She's not a character you are supposed to root for. You're supposed to feel bad that her life has made her a brutal psychopath. Even when she kills Cersei, and probably die doing it, I will mourn little Arya, the bright eyed kid who was learning how to yield a sword in season 1. Ugh. Fuck that. Dany is not for sale. She can make an alliance with the North without whoring herself out to Bore Snow. Every time she opens her mouth, I am cheering. Just like every time Sansa opens her mouth, I'm moved to say "Oh shut up Sansa" Anyone for a Lady Mormont spin-off? Nah. Once the war against the Walkers is done, IF there is anybody remaining, and IF Kings Landing is still standing, whoever is left (my money is on Jon Snow, Tyrion and Daenerys), will destroy the Iron Throne. Think about it. All the blood that's been spilled for this piece of junk, and the very way it even came into being, makes it a symbol of oppression and conquest that neither of these characters will want to uphold. Well, since they are writing the show in English and it's largely taking place in an English speaking world, no, sorry they don't care that you watch a castrated show with subtitles or dubbing or some other crap. Except Buffy hasn't been played by 12 actors and isn't from a race of aliens who can, and have been shown to, change gender. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but your idea that the Doctor's gender and "masculinity" is unavoidable makes you sexist. But it's ok. Most men who are sexist just think they are merely defending their position as leaders of the world. And unfortunately, women can be sexist too. It's rooted in self-hatred that's taught since childhood when they realize they are not worth as much as their little brother to their dad. LMAO. Best thread on this board. Ever. <<Colin's behind the times. Many of us STOPPED watching Doctor Who long before the "first female Doctor" was announced, so you can't accuse us of "sexism" (although the Moffat shills try to do so anyway)>> If you stopped watching long ago then why are you here bitching about the latest decision in a show you have given up on? Move on. Get a Life. I think it's really unfair to put it on "Bill" (not sure why the quotes since it is her name) but yeah it did. I think Moffat just got fed up with it and fully intended to end his run (and possibly the show) with last year's Christmas Special. It's no coincidence River was there to give these two a "happily ever after", well as far as one night goes anyway. Then BBC probably decided to give the show another series and got Moffat on board but he was done with the story and he didn't really feel like giving more to it. I completely disagree on A Good Man Goes to War. And I wouldn't call casting a new doctor "stunt casting" but then I'm not a dude and I also have a woman so I guess I can't think quite like pitiful Whovian virgins who live in their parents basement and have mommy issues... Yes, yes he did. And you saying he didn't doesn't change facts. He had non consensual sex with her; that's rape. *That* is a fact. I think a lot of people underestimated Pam. That scene wasn't exactly a surprise for me because even though she protects herself with sarcasm, you can tell she feels a lot more than she allows herself to show. She draws a line at feeding off a kid because she's obviously had a history of abuse and was probably sold off to a whore house early in her life and what those parents are doign to their kid is no better than this. She doesn't mind feeding off unwilling humans (although we never saw her feed off anyone who wasn't willing) but a kid who's being "whored out" by her parents for money to vampires... too close to home. Well, the two "leads" are rather terrible, that's a fact. Even though Paquin is an oscar winner (lol) she's very bad in this. There are also a few others who aren't good at all like the guy playing her brother but there are also fine actors stuck with camp characters like Nelsan Ellis who played Lafayette, Rutina Wesley and Carrie Preston (all Juilliard graduates) who are very good but have to play everything "amped up" to match the tone, and not make the leads look as bad as they are, I guess. I think she was messing with you but who knows? HBO is in need of a fan favorite fix since GoT is ending soon and it's not the rest of their shows that are going to get fans running. Honestly though, and I think that may be the biggest "issue" with a Pam-Eric spinoff, both actors are much older now (hey, it's life, they aged!) and even though they both look good, I don't see them playing vampires who aren't supposed to age, let alone vampires before TB assuming it's a prequel thing. Boring, sure. Suffering from an epic case of the Mary Sues, definitely. Badly acted? Oh yeah but a whore? Did she get paid to have sex? I don't remember that... Yeah no luck. He died of heart failure caused by a long history of alcohol and drug abuse. And you can shove your "RIP" when you just say crap like that about someone who just died so young because he would probably have slapped you silly back when he was alive. I was really sad to read the news. He seemed like such a nice guy. Another one who lost the fight with addiction. Such a shame. I'll always enjoy him in True Blood and it was so nice to see him in other things like The Help, popping here and there in other projects. She's not the eldest, I believe, but the middle sister/half sister actually but whatever. And I was honestly going to get into an actual post about why her character is the most interesting and well written but then you went into your whole litany of BS like "SJW" and I can't muster the energy to argue with you. Bottom line is: a character not behaving in a way you approve of, doesn't make him/her "poorly written". Characters don't have to be someone you'd be friends with to be well written. Also, she's obviously not a lesbian since she also has relationships with men, and a "homewrecker" is just an excuse invented by women to blame their men cheating on other women instead of the men in their lives. Have a nice life. Preferably one that doesn't cross mine. So long. Any woman over 40 who looks good has had "plastic surgery" according to the Moronic Troll Guide to the Internet, don't overthink it. Anyone who looks at HQ pictures will see that she has aged, gracefully so but she has wrinkles and other marks of a woman getting older and shocker! she does get better with age. But really when a troll starts his little hatefest by talking about appearance, you know he's just a hater so the best thing is to let him starve for attention before this place becomes IMDB all over again. You're trying to argue with a fool, don't waste your time. He wasn't asking a question or even making a point, he was just dropping his BS. I'm honestly shocked he hasn't resorted to acronyms like "SJW" yet. Must be one of the most literate ones.