JohnTheHumble's Replies

The last two episodes have been good. I look forward to the season finale. [url][/url] Yes, I find her very attractive. See, I didn't say she is beautiful. I said she is attractive. Just look at this picture. She is *way* more attractive than other Fargo female police officers, in the movie and the other seasons. [url][/url] Probably, because she looks like a nerd. Nerd-looking females usually survive, in the Fargo universe. I was actually surprised that the main female officer, Gloria, was cast with such an attractive woman (I really love this actress; she isn't stunningly beautiful but she is extremely attractive, like a real woman is, instead of photoshopped models and Hollywood stars). I'm thinking that all the men will die and the two attractive women, Nikki and Gloria, will survive. Anyway, this was a good episode. Sorry, you are right. I was thinking of season 2 and I didn't realize the others weren't set that far in the past. When I talk about the body count it's not like I'm looking for some sort of Rambo movie. It's just that the outrageous murders in Fargo are also a sort of hallmark so the body count has been atypically low in Season 3. So now they beat up Nikki. I hope she doesn't die of internal bleeding because she is my favorite character. I don't know, this episode doesn't seem to have the light satirical touch of the movie and the first two seasons. Peeing in a cup and forcing the guy to drink it... beating up a woman... It's becoming unpleasant. The other Fargo renditions had horrific murders but it somehow never lost the comedic touch. This third season seems too dark and disgusting. Wow, I hadn't realized Varga is played by the same guy who did Remus Lupin! Very true. I like it too except for the hybrid human-protomolecule monster in the season finale. It looked like they ran out of a budget to improve that particular piece of CGI. Well he obviously hasn't learned it since we didn't see much regarding these aliens in two full seasons. I thought it was pretty disappointing as compared to the high-tension previous episode. Several scenes dragged on for too long. Plus, the protomolecule hybrid monster is the worst piece of CGI of the entire show. It doesn't seem to match the polished look of other imagery. Sounds like they ran out of budget for good CGI. I just hope that after six seasons we don't learn that the whole deal is utterly stupid. Expanding on what someone here said, the aliens do have drones that are remotely controlled, so if their consciousness resides inside a small ball, why risk sending it down inside robots/mechs? They could control the mechs remotely too. The "Humans from the Future" theory, I find it less likely because of the three-fingered mech. Maybe a minor detail but if they wanted to build a bipedal cyborg with their consciousness, I'd expect that if they gave the machine the trouble of looking human-sized and with four limbs, then they'd also use five fingers. So I'm assuming the original biological aliens did have three fingers which makes of them non-human. Besides, it seems like the creators have already confirmed in interviews that the aliens are, well, aliens, as in ETs. It's as you must know based on Philip K. Dick novel of the same title and it is on Amazon video, original production by Amazon, two seasons of ten episodes each have been released. It's outstanding. I don't really remember all the details of the books which I read a good while ago, but it all feels very satisfactory to me, regarding the bigger picture. This series is pretty much how I imagined this story to be, when I read the books. Even the visuals are close to what I had in mind in my own imagination while reading the books - this is one of the reasons, admittedly personal, why I think it is a great book adaptation. Thanks for welcoming me, Mr.Spock. I think the comparison is a bit tough because BSG was its own creation (books if I'm not mistaken came later) and this one is a book adaptation. So they aren't exactly the same species. I guess one could say that BSG was the best original Sci-Fi TV series, and this one is the best book adaptation Sci-Fi TV series. Anyway, this idea of "the best" is silly, I'll confess. Often I get into this "the best" label when I'm currently watching a show and later start to have second thoughts. There is another great current show loosely based on a sci-fi book (but a short one, not a series - the book, I mean, is a standalone novel, and short; the show is a series greatly expanding upon the book material): The Man in the High Castle. Much less technology, barely Sci-Fi rather than political/historical fiction, but plot and acting are arguably just as good. Yes, I do fear it. Their track record is terrible. I truly lament the hours of my life I lost with Lost, pun intended. So much expectation, and such a fizzle at the end! So far I've mostly loved Colony but just knowing who is behind it gives me she shivers. Whoa. I DVR'd it and watched it today. This qualifies as one of the best Sci-Fi series episodes I've ever seen in my entire life. I had tears in my eyes and goosebumps. Yes, I do think this is Battlestar Galactica-level of quality, give or take. I would never imagine that SyFy Channel would get this good, with this kind of production values and well-acted tension. I read the books, loved them, and this is probably the best adaptation of a Sci-Fi book series I've ever seen. I've loved this series from the start (what an incredibly accurate rendition of the books!) and S2 ep 12 "The Monster and the Rocket" was simply the best. Phenomenal. I look forward to the season finale this coming Wednesday. Yes, I don't know where they are going with this. It's becoming silly. Complex suits, might just be because they don't breathe the same atmosphere and of course want to defend themselves from attack when going a few of them in a planet with billions of us. I don't see it as proof of fragility. They might need humans for cannon fodder in some other conflict they might be fighting against other foes. All this over-the-top consciousness transfer, I don't like. It feels too "Lost" to me, and of course it's my fear, given who is making this show.