JohnTheHumble's Replies

Yep, I'm changing my mind. While watching the episode I was frustrated. But two days later, thinking of the character arc and the multi-perspective event, I guess it was a good episode after all. Actually after a couple of days and thinking about it, I'm starting to agree, and I'm disavowing my own opinion posted above. The human-as-food trope is beyond stupid. Humans take too long growing up. We are not a convenient food source for a predator (not in a sustainable, planet-wide manner), which is why we use cows, pigs, fish, and chicken as food sources instead of primates (putting aside the fact that it would feel a bit cannibalistic to eat primates). This said, I can suspend disbelief and enjoy a good show like V. Wow, I came here to post exactly this. You said it first. This episode wasted 55 minutes to show that Bram killed the ambassador. OK, now he is a soldier. Good. Could have done it in five minutes. It was the weakest episode so far, both seasons considered. Now we have only two left 'til the season finale. I certainly hope the next one is better. The preview seems to indicate so. But are those that could decay and turn poisonous? How would we know which ones to avoid? Where is this consciousness transfer idea coming from? Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen any hint of it yet - I mean on TV, not here. Yes, I'm getting nervous. Three episodes left, counting tonight. In an interview (sorry, I have no idea where I read it and I don't have the link) one of the show creators said during season 1 that season 2 would show the aliens a bit more. Not at all, so far. With only 3 left they better get going. True, that is a legitimate preoccupation. There are aliens. But the show ultimately is not about the aliens. Not uncommon in teenagers. I love both shows. They are my two favorite shows on TV, currently. Of course they are very different but I don't see why you wouldn't simply enjoy both. True LOL These are valid objections. It is true that this latest episode irked me a little, and was one of the weakest ones to date. Yes, that was one of the weakest episodes. The episode before last was very good and I was hopeful, and then, comes this weak one. This show is definitely with ups and downs. I still love it, though. This theory that the aliens are humans from the future I believe is not being favored any longer, due to interviews with the show creators where they did confirm that the aliens are aliens. As in, ETs. By the way, there are screen shots of the dead alien in the subway that appear to show only three fingers. As someone who read the books, I believe you are a bit off. Keep watching; the events will unfold in very interesting ways. I think the Governor General sees value in Snyder who is clearly smart and a survivor. When it comes to finally fight the Raps he will come in handy. He is worth saving. There aren't many strong humans left and he is one. In her place I'd have rescued him too. About Karen, you know, people usually displace anger. Even though he said to her that he didn't kill her daughter and tried to save her, she still said he was guilty like all collaborators. *He* said "not all of us" but it doesn't mean she believed him. He lent her a face to place on the people who killed her daughter and it was the only one she had a face for, so she took revenge. I don't see it as an error in writing. She tried to kill the one she knew was part of the operation that killed her daughter, even if he was a softer one. When it comes to a parent's loss, other considerations such as the overall goal of the Red Hand take second fiddle. Charlie is a tough kid. I think he will be important in the subsequent fight. I respect him more than Bram. They probably look like reptilian humanoids with *very* sharp teeth. Outstanding episode. Yes, nothing to do with Nolan, this part you didn't get right, but you did predict accurately that the blown ship was just a mega drone with no Raps inside. This episode was dark, dense, suspenseful... This show is turning into a masterpiece. No fillers in this episode; pretty intense. No longer too slow. Wow! And the babysitter finally gets killed. Poor girl, but she was so annoying that I couldn't help but feel glad that she got eliminated.