JohnTheHumble's Replies

He was being taken out on a stretcher but not in a body bag so maybe he was on a stretcher to get medical attention. The makers did leave it ambiguous in purpose (which is a trope). Emmit did not serve two years in jail. He got a 2-year probation sentence. Varga can't simultaneously go to jail and walk free. Either a corrupt superior will come to rescue him, or three DHS agents will come to take him to Rikers. It was left ambiguous in purpose (again a trope, although changes are overwhelming that it will happen the way he mentioned, not the way she mentioned). I know that, but there is always the possibility that instead of a corrupt superior coming to free Varga, there would be three DHS agents to take him to Rikers. I know that chances are that things will happen the way Varga mentioned. I'm just saying that leaving it hanging in the air is a trope. Hated it. The old trope of the ambiguous finale. So, waste is not tolerable. Yep, it isn't. What a waste. Now Wrench kills Emmit 5 years later? Why??? Disappointing finale. Very well filmed as usual but very disappointing. The kind of error the villains in James Bond movies always make. Instead of just shooting already, they spend too much time yapping and yapping and yapping and then it's too late and they get screwed. Oh no, they killed Nikki!!! No fun. So far I'm not liking the finale. So, the last Stussy isn't toast yet. He was too fast to recover from such a blow to the head. Darn, no Nikki - Varga confrontation yet. He escapes, she leaves. Tension... Another Stussy bites the dust. Now, the Varga vs. Nikki confrontation is coming. True. I wish I hadn't read your post because it spoils a bit for me the notion that the show is very well written. Uh, what? So you are saying... "I like and watch Fargo but I don't want Fargo to be Fargo." Erm... OK. Hey, there are plenty of shows on TV that don't have Fargo's formula, given that they are not Fargo. Maybe you should pick one of them. I liked S2 better but episodes 8 and 9 were great, so yes, I'm also hoping for a great finale. And she is also super cute. I can't wait! Another half hour! Yes, the good guys usually win. That of course was intentional. Good insights. The Nikki-Varga situation also qualifies as Aporia. The UFO thing never bothered me in season 2. It's part of the Fargo universe to be outrageous and almost surreal but still making reference to "real" events (the inside joke "this is a true story") - so, the fish rain actually happened after a tornado hit a lake; there was a woman in real life who drove home with a guy she hit with her car stuck in her windshield... and at that time, in Minnesota, there were many UFO sightings. I'm not saying that UFOs are real (as in, alien spacecraft), but it was part of the local culture at the time that people believed in UFOs. Thus, Fargo incorporated UFOs into the story. For me, it was a masterful touch. I don't get why people get so outraged. After all, Fargo is satire. People get annoyed because they say "WTF? UFOs are not real" but "real" reality has never been a core preoccupation of the Fargo universe. It's a sort of parallel, satirical reality, with elements of "real" reality and fantastic elements. In this context, the UFOs made perfect sense. Gloria's inability to trigger sensors is just as supernatural... and the bowling alley... So, if these things don't bother you, why did the UFOs bother you so much? Sure, whatever you prefer, but I didn't find him that special, and now he is in a coma. My favorite character is Nikki.