JohnTheHumble's Replies

Quite the intentional line by Ser Davos. After the long recitation of Daenerys' titles he could have said "This is Jon Snow, son of Ned Stark, Lord Commander of the Night Watch, Lord of Winterfell, Pacifier of Wildlings, Slayer of White Walkers, and King in the North." Nope. He was direct and to the point which actually made Daenerys look ridiculous. There was nothing unintentional about it. I think she was right about taking revenge on the people who killed her sweet and innocent daughter. I'm thankful for being "typical" (in your eyes) rather than limited, naive, inexperienced (as a movie/show viewer) and short-sighted, all things I'm not. There are still surprises. We didn't know that Dany would get to such a bad start in Westeros. I think it's more like the fact that there are only two seasons left and they have a lot to cover. I saw in an interview that seasons 7 and 8 would move a lot faster than the previous ones, and we're seeing this already (and I love it). Indeed! A great moment in today's episode! Again, if your *opinion* is that the Earth is flat, I'll tell you that it is a *fact* that your opinion is inaccurate. Yep, you don't think the way I do. Thankfully, I don't think the way you do either. Oh, and sorry, but I take back the advice I issued for you to watch Dekalog. Don't. You really shouldn't. Stick with Jamie. Over and out. Have a nice life. Like I said, he needs to see more films and TV series. No, this one has a huge stake at being a fact: that one Jaime Lannister of Game of Thrones is most definitely NOT the deepest, most complex character in ALL of cinema (since the first images were filmed in 1890) and TV (since the first TV images were broadcast in 1927). So, 127 years of cinema, 90 years of television, add the two and you have two freaking centuries plus 17 years, yep, 217 years, with hundreds of thousands of characters, likely millions, and you seriously think *this* one is the most complex EVER? I know very well the difference between fact and opinion, but when the opinion is so preposterous, it is very close to a fact that the opinion is not accurate. I'm sorry, I didn't want to come at you with all stones, but if you post something so incredibly short-sighted, don't be surprised that others find it... well, incredibly short-sighted. Sounds like you need to see more films and TV series... I'll give you just one example: if you have an opportunity to watch Krzysztof Kieślowski's 10-chapter TV series Dekalog, and you don't come back here and confess that pretty much every main character in every chapter is way more complex than Jamie, I don't know what else to tell you. Jamie is the most complex character in ALL of film and TV EVER??? Seriously??? Unbelievable... ---------- If you come here and you say that in your *opinion* the Earth is flat, I'll tell you that it is a fact that your opinion is inaccurate. Maybe she will lose one dragon but the other two must survive if the humans want to beat the White Walkers. Remember, a song of ice... and fire. Sorry, I know it sounds like a snob opinion, but it's just a fact. Game of Thrones is a great show and I love it which is why I'm here posting about it. Jaime is one of my favorite characters, and yes, he is complex. But most complex EVER, in all of cinema and TV, posted like this, in all caps? Sorry, you are entitled to your opinion but it's just not accurate. Oh wow, I like the character too, but most complex EVER? There are plenty of movies with more psychological depth than Game of Thrones. Unlike a number of people I really like Daenerys. I want her and Jon Snow to end up together flying the dragons and burning the White Walkers. But of course he wouldn't kneel. Too proud and too stubborn, Jon Snow. --------- Daenerys is taking a beating. She lost her navy already and the Unsullied are in trouble. Of course it was to be expected, it would have been no fun and anticlimactic for her to just land on Westeros and sweep the whole place. Robots don't need to be paid a salary. Looking back I can't say I loved it. Too dark a tone, less humor, cliché ambiguous ending (which like you correctly mentioned is not what the Fargo universe was about), and overall a big disappointment. I'll start watching season 4 but if it doesn't go immediately back to what the movie, season 1, and season 2 were, I'll probably dump it, because I won't want to invest 10 weeks just to be disappointed again. No, it isn't. They look slightly alike but it is pretty obvious they are not the same person. Easier to bribe someone in prison to stick a shank into her. The bus ambush was good cinema but unnecessary. Strange I thought I replied to this post but I don't see it. Yes, the roof was unrealistic (not that Fargo shies away from that - UFO, hello?) More unrealistic was ambushing the prison bus - there was no reason to kill Nikki at that time. She didn't know anything that could compromise Varga besides being beaten up by a Cossack and an Asian - but the police took it as domestic violence from Ray, as intended. They got their scapegoat sent to prison, no need to kill her, and if they wanted to, they could have bribed an inmate to stick a shank into her; much less risky than the ambush which could go wrong and did. Erm, yeah, how did this turn into politics? I guess these days everything does. Yes, it was utterly unrealistic. Not that Fargo shies away from utterly unrealistic thing (UFO, hello?). I think what was worse was the attempt to kill Nikki by ambushing the prison bus; that was completely unnecessary as she had already been arrested and charged with the crime, and knew nothing that could have compromised Varga. Coming after her made for good cinema but was a writing mistake since it was not needed. They wanted a scapegoat to get charged for killing Ray. They got one. What would they get for killing her? All she knew was that a Cossack and an Asian beat her up, and she would be unable to prove it since the police took her bruises as domestic violence from Ray. By the way if they really wanted to kill her to prevent the unlikely event that she'd come after them after serving a long, long sentence, they could just bribe some inmate to stick a shank into her. No need for the huge liability of ambushing a prison bus which could go wrong (like it did).