LLOwens 's Replies

When I was chatting with various members on IMDb a few days ago, several mentioned how they'll probably migrate to sites such as IMDB2 or movieforums.com. So over the past few days I've been checking out these and other movie forums along with fansites, as well as social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. Yet nothing I've come across so far has the features and feel of IMDb's now defunct message boards as does MovieChat. I consider myself open-minded and open to suggestion--so if there is any film forum that mimics IMDb better than moviechat.org, I'm all ears. I mistakenly assumed that IMDB 2 was the forum that would continue where IMDb's message boards left off--as in becoming the sequel to IMDb--yet in my opinion their use of the IMDb acronym is a bit misleading as it stands for Internet Media Discussion Boards not Internet Movie Database which it is not (e.g., I typed in the name of several actors in IMDB 2's search box and the search results had nothing to do whatsoever with these actors). Here on MovieChat, every actor, film and director I've entered in the search box has yielded the results I was searching for, as far as directing me to a respective message board of a particular actor, film or director. So it's really this site that has the potential to be the clone of IMDb--well at least as far as the message boards goes and hopefully those who flocked to IMDB 2 for the sole purpose of finding a replacement for IMDb's now defunct message boards will stumble upon this site. Anything to make MovieChat even more like how IMDb once was, would be a definite plus in my book. I forgot to mention that I also noticed that the last posts on these threads, posted on IMDb, were from 5 or more days ago. So I'm guessing that likewise, the last OP threads and comments were archived and added here to moviechat.org at least 5 or more days ago, which may explain why some of the more recent comments, posted 4 days ago or less on IMDb, are missing from these threads. Noticed that too Ron. I recall some of these original threads had hundreds of posts, but now only contain a few. Perhaps it was too time consuming and painstaking a task to archive every single thread of every single actor, film, etc., along with every single comment on such threads. Anyhow, some of these threads that weren't added here were a bit outdated or were way off topic anyway. And ultimately, I'm very appreciative of what these board administrators have done, not going to look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak, as I consider this site to be a godsend in IMDb's stead. I'm terrible at saying goodbyes coupled with the fact that I'm a procrastinator, so I was planning on bidding farewell to all of Kristen's board regs on February 20th, only to realize that these boards had already been shut down the morning of this day (Hawaii Standard Time). While the IMDb message boards are no longer available, thankfully we have a movie forum with message boards such as this one so that I didn't have to say goodbye after all. Thanks Ron for telling me about this site. Only wished we had more time to spread the word and tell other board regs on IMDb about moviechat.org. I've been perusing Facebook and Twitter, yet these social networking services simply don't have features such as the ones provided on forums with message boards such as this. I also checked out some fansites, yet even these don't offer as well-rounded a perspective as a movie forum where you come across fans of a very wide range of actors, directors, films and genres. Hopefully the maxim, if you build it they will come, holds true in this case. An online friend of mine recently told me about moviechat.org just a few hours ago. Unfortunately, IMDb had already closed their message boards prematurely, which meant it was too late to spread the word to some of those I regularly chatted with on IMDb to migrate to this site. Hopefully they'll find their way over here somehow. I recently tried using Facebook and Twitter, yet the actors who I follow don't have official accounts, not to mention these social media services don't have the same features as forums such as IMDb. Thank goodness for moviechat.org which will hopefully continue what IMDb started. When I first heard the news that IMDb would shut down their message boards, it felt like I had just received an eviction notice, since I practically lived there. Now that they're shut down for good, I'm like a homeless vagrant wandering about aimlessly. Thankfully a friend of mine recently told me about moviechat.org and it feels like I found myself a new home :)