Mattc164's Replies

If any Republican changes their vote for Trump based off this verdict then they were never a Republican to begin with. Who are they going to vote for? I’m going to assume, hope, they aren’t going to vote for Biden but even if they vote for the third candidate, presumably Kennedy, that’s as good as a vote for Biden since Kennedy won’t win and it’ll just be one less Trump vote. K You got it backwards actually. These types of movies ALWAYS bomb and people don’t blame the piss poor script or the poor acting they blame the racist white people for not coming to see it. I quit the riggin 5 months and 29 days after that post. So i retired at 29 years and 364 days. I don’t think my experience is sufficient enough to appease grhqofb5. I’ve known kids like him during that time. I didn’t find them cool. I’ve found them annoyances and sad individuals. It’s not what you know. It’s not even who you know. It’s what somebody else THINKS you MAY know. Opinion of me? 365 days a year. He wouldn’t have been in the Vegas hotel room that night going after memorabilia. His life would’ve been completely different. For one he would’ve had a lot more money from most likely doing more movies. Plus he probably would’ve been on some channel calling NFL games or on some football show with the likes of Bradshaw and Johnson. Memorabilia wouldn’t have been a concern of his. It was a continuation to my post. Not a reply to myself. ……But he did. And they aren’t. You’d be surprised what people let slip when they’re in distress. I’m thinking he knew. Costello probably had Barrigan keep an eye on Sullivan to ensure he was staying loyal. It seemed the higher up in rank Sullivan got the less Costello trusted him. I feel if Dignam didn’t exist and Sullivan got away with his past he would’ve become a model cop and in the future a staunch tough on crime prosecutor. He was a lost child who got dragged into the life and it became all he knew since he was a boy. But you can tell he wanted to move on from the life. Good video. Thanks! I still remember my reaction when i first saw the scene. Pure shock. Did not see it coming at all. Much worse. I know your comment was 17 years ago and you’ll never see this. But you don’t know baseball at all if you believe that every player who got at least 2,800 hits is in the hall. The killer was obvious with or without looking at physique. Wasn’t very well hidden. This is what I’ve been saying for years about ALL slasher movies and horror movies. Annoying unlikeable and unrelatable characters is what ruins these movies and destroys any semblance of horror. If you couldn’t care less for the characters then the horror is gone because you find yourself wanting them to meet their end and once that happens the movie is no longer a horror but a waste of the viewers time. Halloween 1978 did this well with good likable characters.