BrutaleBent's Replies

What a garbage post/article... "White men bad", as the usual narrative is from the rabid woke-ists. But she's definetly not mid at all, and a good actress to boot. A movie I sure as fuck won’t be paying to see. Happy Gilmore Waterboy Wedding Singer (Little Nicky) That part was beyond stupid... And you're probably right in your "analysis", however cringe it might seem. Why they didn't go with something like the original origin is beyond me... Simple, yet effective. I'm anti-woke, and fucking hate they have to cram diversity in everything, for the sake of it, trumping all logic and better options. It's annoying af, and a cancer on entertainment mediums, such as movies, shows and games atm. However, this isn't that. ***SEMI SPOILERS*** Don't fucking read anymore if you wanne be spoiled! Anyways, this actually doesn't enforce the whole "wahman stronk, men weak/incompetent" trope, because she ISN'T the strongest, nor most skillful, hunter. It's shown again, and again, that she's somewhat outclassed in prowess and physical abilities by Taabe, and some of her survival is actually only because "men" interfere, or plain old luck. However, what she does have, is being smart, tactical, have a wider range of skillsets, adaptability. Which makes sense too, due to her upbringing, and having to fight many times harder for "her right to be what she wants to be". She doesn't take the Predator out, by being the strongest, bravest and skillful warrior. She does it by learning from what she's seen, from the many observations she's made from the confrontations she's seen the Predator in, and sets a trap in the end. So no truly forced wokeness of any note in this movie. The movie itself is a 6-6,5/10 and definetly worth a watch - easily, and solidly, the third best movie in the Predator franchise (and the only one I'll allow to be canon in my head along 1 and 2) - there's some glaringly stupid and "cringey" stuff at times, but nothing you can't handle. Think it's more about the screenwriters - just look at what they've made. Except in this case, you're wrong, and he's right. Your head. Please gently remove it from thy buttocks. I truly LOATHE forced teenage drama - they invalidate any kind of quality a show can have. Jesus fucking christ. I mean, get the FUCK over yourself, you halfbreed fuckwits. I found it extremely enjoyable. Sure, it's stupid, through and through, but this kind of movie requires you to shut half your higher brainfunctions off, and just enjoy it for what it is. I was laughing so many times. Your mistake is not realizing this movie is just taking the piss - it's not even taking itself seriously by any measure. Come to Daddy was also enjoyable. So, can recommend both to anyone wondering! ;) If you say so... I reckon most movies are a joke to you, it would seem. So imo, you should probably stick to those "realistic" movies, and I'll stick with these "over the top unrealistic" ones. :D There should be room for both. ;) I get realism every day during life, I usually don't need it in my movies! ;) Soo, Rambo doesn't survive incredulous scenarious and injuries in the previous films? :D And I could see a sadistic person letting an old man go, to revel in his powerlessness... ;) Don't think I've ever seen a revenge, nor action, movie, where the protagonist can't take a few gunshots/injuries and still be going strong. Most movies are stupid when held to the laws of reality. One of my favorite "revenge flicks", Death Sentence (with Kevin Bacon), had the protagonist surviving incredible shit too, and I still loved it. TL;DR: I rarely watch these kind of movies for their portrayal of realism. :P I'll agree the script was basic as fuck - but in the end, I liked it. Was a great pleasure seeing revenge take this form of outright manslaughter in the dozens. :P He's the guy who was sitting tied up in bed with his head chopped off - Rambo drops his head out of the window of his car on the way back. The thing with this show is, there's very little continuity in it - no exciting storyline to advance - it's basically just a mystery of the week show, wrapped in decent Star Wars clothing. It had great potential, but the no character or story development, even build-up, means it's only a 5/6 of 10 for me - very bland, planet/mystery of the week. What the fuck! What... the fuck? Gonna have to agree, Arnold's presence only served to elevate the movies - it's just hard to elevate shit to any meaningful degree. While Salvation, and particularly Genisys were absolute horrid shit, T:DF and, to a lesser degree, T3 are ok when isolated and entertaining - they just aren't good enough to come after the first two, story and characterwise... T2 T1 . T:DF T3 . . T:Salvation . . T:Genisys ***SPOILERS*** The way I see it, T2 + T1 were just a tier higher, or more, than the T3/DF. The latter two were ok enough movies, with Dark Fate actually being close to being worthy, but falling short still, and T3 an overall entertaining flick, with a "nice twist-ish ending" - just not good enough to follow the first two movies. The constant pissing match between Grace and Sarah was both fun and, more times than not, very fucking forced/bad - it was just overdone. There was little reason to off John Connor, other than introducing female fairly hot untrained mexican John Connor... I'd much have preffered them including John Connor instead, or along, which is very much possible and still even have Arnie in the role as the Terminator. I hate the "Rev models", seems far more "cheap" designwise, with their overdone "spikyness", fluidity and agility. Skynet had far more years active, and yet it would seem Legion for some reason develops far more advanced "Revs" for no apparent reason. I hate the name "Rev", which further removes them from the original Terminators and takes away any further reasons to ever call anything a Terminator in this franchise, as Carl supposedly was the last one. Terminator wont be Terminator without the T-8XX model - just my opinion ofcourse. ;) However, despite the lacking story, the cast itself was good - they themselves did they best they could with the script given (Miss Reyes could up her game some, though), and the deageing effects were incredible. :D Cuz it b like moar advanceded and dangerouserer! MOAR MOAR MOAR! I hate that so many movies doesn't get the fact that in the sequel, the threat doesn't always have to be bigger, badder, better. It mainly just need to be a good, engaging and coherent story - and an "ordinary T-1000", would still be a dangerous af enemy. Sure, in T2, they upped the threat, but they also upped the "bodyguard", to a degree where there's less a difference between the good and bad guy, than in The Terminator - but mainly, what made it succesful, was that they made a great story, flow and characters.