BrutaleBent's Replies

Let's hope... But I'm not optimistic about it (also read some spoilers on reddit). Hulk has been a punching bag after the first Avengers, where he was actually a powerhouse who was "respected/feared" - but now he's used solely to show how awesome others are: Hulk vs Hulkbuster, Hulk vs Thor and now Hulk vs Thanos - he needs an epic moment that actually packs a punch (pun intended). I mean, they could have shown Thanos take Thor down instead, as Hulk getting beaten has gotten old already - and Thor rocked in Ragnarok. ;) Thanos was badass in himself and his feats throughout the movie. Also, movie was great - really liked it - just this really rubbed me the wrong way. ;) I really don't hope they make her eclipse Thor in power... Sure, roughly equal is fine, but we dont need a new "now I'm the most powerful" character. If they pull a "JL Superman > Everyone scenario" with Captain Marvel on this, I'm gonna be pissed - but hey, they already reduced the Hulk to a punching back, only working as a gimmick to make others look powerful... They could at least have shown Hulk go toe to toe with him, and then him resorting to using the power gem to give him the power to manhandle him like he did, but nooo... Other than that, and a few other "iffies", it was a really good movie, imo. ;) Each to their own - I liked them most of the times. ;) 2:19 in the vid... And holy fuck, what a slip up - and I love how they don't respect it and cut it... Well, I fucking love the good ones. ;) That there's a decent chance the movie is gonna be entertaining. ;) There's just so many moments in this film it's amazing, it didn't get tedious! And frankly, I can't single out a single funniest moment when there was so many great ones - but here's an honorable mention: "It's my birthda-it's my birthaaayy, it's my birthdaay"! queue funky music and sparkles! [URL][/URL] Only to be outclassed in the bad department by Alien:Covenant - which was just as bad (or worse) as the old AvP movies. :( The acting wasn't really the problem - Gal and Batman had some cringeworthy lines and delivery, but beyond that, it was pretty standard. I actually very much like the cast overall, and think Cavill as Superman is spot on,. It's the plot/story/villain, direction and even the musical score, that's the huge failure. While I liked Superman was badass (the stink eye to The Flash was epic), he was too badass, and others were a joke in comparison. Story was rushed af. It had potential, I'll give it that, but it should have been another year before coming out, with a better sensical story. This, my friends, is a Nolanite in one of it's purer forms. Observe, learn, avoid. lol, no, his only solid movies are Interstellar, Batman Begins and to some extent, The Prestige - rest are edgelord pretentious crapfests. EDIT: Even BvS had better characters/development/story than TDK and TDKR, and better cinematography even - and I don't particularly like BvS. That a majority of people expected something else is understandable. If it should even be remotely realistic, he should be down for 2+ months after each episode. :P Jurassic World rode on nostalgia, but was only a mediocre flick, though enjoyable. I don't think the second JW will have the same success. Avengers: Infinity War is currently riding on the hype train of the previous movies and the huge popular cast - and only thing able to stop it from winning this, is it being an actual bad/mediocre movie. For me, Scarlet Witch takes this, even if SJ is still very hot. :P Also, watch Old Boy, if you haven't. ;) Only Nolan movies I found good, were Batman Begins and Interstellar. Good, solid movies. Rest are edgy overrated pieces of pretentious crap, made to make stupid people feel "edgy" and smart... (Haven't seen Dunkirk). MoS was enjoyable, same with BvS, if you watch the ultimate edition - but not great in any way. WW is the pinnacle of DCEU, finally breaking throuhgh, with an overall good movie, followed by JL, which was pure crap, along with SS. The best hero movie for me also, will most likely always be "Spider man 2". As Yuri Boyka would put it; "it's the most complete super hero movie in the world." :P Aliens Alien <Insert a many blank spaces to emphasize the huge quality difference between these and the newer movies> Alien: Ressurection (Fuck you, at least it was entertaining, while beating Prometheus/Alien:Covenant by a landslide) AlienĀ³ (far better material than Ressurection, but was pretty bland) Prometheus (Shaw > Rest) Alien: Covenant "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well" So very true, and while I don't consider Alien 3 and Alien: Ressurection to be true Alien movies, they were better than these two new turds of movies. Truer to the original material, and what's worse, better stories/characters. Oh dear God... The only good thing to come of these movies, was Shaw herself - She was a fucking boss when pressed, and the epitome of a survivor/fighter imo. It's time Ridley admits he can't make movies anymore (or recognize a good script...) and pass on the torch. No, there's literally only a few jokes that made a small chuckle in the theatre.