Filmtenk's Replies

I don’t know how I’ve watched this entire series minus the flashbacks. I found it’s much more enjoyable to fast forward through the flashbacks and only watch the present storyline. I don’t care about Tasty working at Macdonald’s or Nicky’s bar mitzvah. I did enjoy the Debbie and Carol flashbacks this season but it was the one exception I made. Blofeld was a dissapointment. I had high hopes for Waltz in the role. I will never accept Bond shooting down a helicopter with 2 pistols. At least pick up a dead guy’s scoped assault rifle and shoot. I could get behind that as implausible as that would be irl. Awesome blindfolded 2 man disarm move. That airplane in the mountain health resort scene got used down to the skeleton which was kind of funny. Oh and Spectre had a great opening scene. You sound like a true fan. Can’t wait for Bond 25 though it’ll be tough to lose Craig from the franchise. If history repeates itself, this next film should be really good. I don’t have many nice things to say about Quantum but having rewatched Spectre a couple times now it has grown on me. Love Casino and Skyfall. The first act of DAD was pretty good but they got real lazy with the gadgets. The invisible car went too far. The digital wind surfing was disappointing. There are things to like in all 24 films. My order has changed over time. 1.Goldeneye 2.World is not enough 3. Tomorrow never dies 4. Die another day At one point I had TND at #2. I don’t remember the line but I remember the movie well. Probably the second best of the Brosnan movies after Goldeneye. There were many occasions where Bond had to get out of situations unarmed. What could have saved this show is another giant terrorist disaster. Like the international space station should have been blown up. Touché There’s a 24 hour diner in Dorchester but I forget the name. One thing I love about diners in MA, you can almost always get baked beans on the side. Roger Moore said it himself, his interpretation of the character was that of a “lover.” Daniel Craig’s was a “killer.” You’re not going to get a realistic kill or be killed performance out of Moore. Stan Lee was Metoo’ed. Brie didn’t like presehtung the best actor Oscar to Metoo club member Casey Affleck at the Oscars. She spoke about it publicly.