Filmtenk's Replies

No Hulk would be ashamed and he’d never ever turn back into Hulk. He’d have to join SNAP. That reminds me, what was up with that kiss? Awkward. Hmm has this been explained? Perhaps she was adopted? Good catch. Dude good point! Probably not a lame idea to Disney execs who only see their own kids as part of an image contributing to gaining more money. Normally I’d say this was a copout but I want that poor little girl to be reunited with her dad. How dare you insult John Carpenter that way. You’re right I thought the Mom was being a little rough on him, first day back from prison and all. But she was not messing around for good reason. Brosnan shoots him between the eyes. I’d really like a movie, comic book, short story anything to wrap this story up. I would hope the creators of the show would learn not to go the Lost route, making it up as they went along. Lost was one of the biggest disappointments in my tv viewing history. At least Colony didn’t string us along for 3 more seasons. That was a great ep after the summer hiatus! Malcolm Nance was so informative but he was really bumming me out. Idk Berg’s films seem like they have a glossy veneer over them which takes me out. He also shamelessly exploits the military and police creating propaganda pieces (Lone Survivor and Patriots Day). He seems like a bro director to me. It’s shame because growing up down the street from the Walbergs it’s almost expected that I like all of Mark’s films but I can’t with this director. Idk maybe someday Berg will make his Schindler’s List and I’ll have gained a new found respect for him as a director. Bit of advice, stop it with the cgi gsw’s you cheap bastard use squibs. I really enjoyed it until that bonkers ending with the army reserve brother coming in and “saving” the day and the DA getting in the car accident. Too much resolved by dumb luck. The filicide was a bummer and so not a small crime. Overall enjoyable movie kinda wish the protagonist won in the end. Gary Cole was great as usual. Oh whoops. I recently saw this again and was so amused by the coulrocide but guess I wasn’t paying attention to who did it. Would be awesome if it was Rane. Charles Rane killed an innocent clown. There’s no debate. I cant defend Crystal Skull. Let me guess, not a fan of Kathleen Kennedy either? Sometimes it’s better not to know the threat. Keep it mysterious. But yeah things were revealed too slow for a seasonal show. He praises QoS and craps on Skyfall. The dude is high. Spectre was a let down initially but it has grown on me with repeated viewings. Repeated viewing of QoS have not turned me. Marc Forster is not an action director of any caliber. Finding Neverland and Monster’s Ball were good dramas. I thought 6 cut out a lot of fat. Seemed less cute joke based and more serious. The two big bads (at least of the inmates) Carol and Barb were great.