Daisy_Mabel's Replies

The complete arrogance, fear, incompetency and mismanagement of the case was what made this so great. It's just like working in corporate America today. Just inane. Why is gender even mentioned? They were coworkers. He was arrogant and cocky, and would have done anything to get to the Unabomber. Her being a woman had nothing to do with it. And, she didn't catch the Unabomber. She didn't buy into any of Fitz' theories and even joined in mocking him. Yes, she came around. But, it was his ideas. Was it douchey for him to not stand up for her, at least? Yes. But, there was no way around the fact that she'd broken protocol. She knew when she sent that letter she was breaking protocol. I'd gladly lose my job for what she did. It would be unconscionable for her to not do it. Sure, she should be angry. But, if that's how it went down, I admire her. Someone's never been to the American South. That is the craziest, most paranoid thing I've read on this thread. I think it's a new beginning. Ray going back to being in business and having clients. It went off the deep end a bit with the whole Russian mob story. Hopefully it's getting back to what makes it entertaining. The cast is amazing, except I couldn't even recognize Mary Louise Parker. She has been amazing! But, I feel like they never answered how she was depositing all of that cash. Did I miss something? It was thousands of dollars - way more than she would have made cleaning and waitressing. It certainly happens. I don't know about where you're from. But, the United States has a lot of people. Not everyone does or thinks the same thing. There are kids having sex when they're 14. There are people who may not lose their virginity until they're in their 20s. Would I say that Americans are "into" porn at 12-13? Probably not many (except boys maybe), but many kids would certainly be curious and check it out. He's urban because he lives in Houston, which compared to where he's from is a big city. He's a cowboy living in a city. There was no sophistication to his character. Furthermore, going to a club requires no sophistication. The tv show is only based on the book. I never once heard Perry mention Facebook. it's pretty easy to find out where an actor is from. And, if you can tell from their accent that it isn't authentic, even moreso. Yes, there are multiple accents. But, as with anyone else who is from a certain place, people are usually familiar with those different accents. Just like Brits can tell the different areas where people are from by their accent. And, yes, Whitley's accent was horrible!!!!! The oft-stereotypical Southern ... giving his character the southern accent reminds of us of his "low-class" routes, but still comes off as genteel enough to fit in with the rich guys. All kids were looking for what they weren't supposed to be watching. I think may people don't remember being a pre-teen and teenager. No. The grave was robbed years later. His body is a skeleton. And the time period is many years from when Kasper died. Poussin's despair in his face is because he knows that he won't get the money they need from the violin. No. Asians had opium. Gypsies have robbed graves before. It's a movie. They can show any stereotype they want. It's fiction. No, everyone who had the violin was doomed. It was obvious that the little boy would die. Pretty sure it's Musso & Frank;s. And Harry goes there often in the books. Agree I think at the party drinks were probably free. The bartender offered him a drink to get him to leave the stripper alone. I don't feel quite as much hostility toward the OP as this post, but I agree that OP was obviously not around int he 70s.