Daisy_Mabel's Replies

Dude, if you feel like you have leanings toward pedophilia, you need to get help. I'm off now to see if it's as easy to block someone here as it was on IMDB. The issue with Tmdb is they don't have the archives. Sure, people will comment there in new movies. But going to old movies and seeing the history of comments isn't there. Thank goodness for moviechat! No, he and Rachel were in the very beginning stages of romance -- no commitment or anything like that. He had the opportunity with Sarah, and he didn't take it. There was no reason for him to divulge that to Rachel. Him doing anything with Sarah wasn't cheating on Rachel. Now, if he and Rachel were exclusive, and it was cheating (despite the fact that he didn't actually go through with sex), it's more complicated. Although, in my opinion, if he truly was sorry and knew that would never happen again, I wouldn't advise him to tell her. Put yourself in her daughter's shoes. Just because her mother has this incredibly dramatic life, doesn't mean she wants to be always involved in that. She, like other kids, wants to grow up and be an adult and have her own life. Plenty of mothers and daughters don't live in the same city. The scene where Flemming discusses moving to Arizona is meant to illustrate that she is a grown woman, has her own issues in aging (of which Adaline knows nothing), and has her own life.