samoanjoes's Replies

Through hype. I didn't fall for it, though, because I hated it. Kill Bill would be the only one that would make sense to me. Generic and dated. And most don't have movie specific threads. Thanks. I edited it. Race was not brought up. I'm starting to see why everyone is calling you a troll. Airplane is better than this. Even Airplane II and that one sucked. Honestly, one of the reasons I saw it was that it had 10 Oscar nominations and a 6.6 on IMDb. I was interested to see why the discrepancy. I have no idea why this could get 10 nominations. It was boring, dated and pointless. I agree. Everything about this film was dated. Some of the art-direction was okay but it all felt like a cheap set. The split screen use throughout the film seemed as if they figured out a way to do it, thought it was cool, and implemented it every time they could, even if it wasn't needed. Even some of the score was dated. I've gotten them before. They usually come once every few months. How are you asking this question if you just did it? Is this a trick? It seemed like suicide at first but the tone seemed like it was natural causes. Completely deserved. It was a great dramedy. Solid acting, writing and the two hours flew by. Also, I like the small town Swedish setting. It made a grumpy old man likable. Predicting the predictable. Yeah, makes sense. What a strange nomination. There are some touching moments but overall I feel this was a lighthearted drama. You betcha, yeah. What makes you think they wouldn't have come back to get it? I take it you've posted under The Fast and the Furious multiple times then. No. Just friendly. But if someone is giving me a hard time, then I click their profile to see that they constantly post under "The Fast and the Furious boards", then I know they are not to be taken seriously.