MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies There have been studies done on the prefrontal cortex, and while in a lot of people it is still developing up until the mid twenties, they have seen with MRIs that it isn't set in stone and some people develop a lot faster than others, and some not until even later. It's just a generalization that was pretty much jumped upon and set as the norm. 🫸🏼 That's not really true. To frame Mary, and Cassandra. I really Like Travis. I really like it too. Christian girl got knocked up trying to say her gay boyfriend from homosexuality. Girls friend's are jerks and turn on her without knowing what she's going through. I am FILLED with Christ's love Now you guys shot past I just can't win Only one reason Christian girls come down to the planned parenthood. She's planting a pipe bomb?? Okay, two reasons. I'm not really a stripper I'm not really a Christian. You're not born a gay. You're born again. Please let it be cancer. Please let it be cancer. I agree. I think she was hosting like a mommy blog or something for awhile. The muffin shop is closed! Bear witness! She's speaking God's love language! You stare at my ass again, and I'll push you off a cliff. Hate his overacting comedy roles, but thought he was quite good in his more serious roles. 7/10 Seeing Cassandra reminds me to remind you all that we are watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show Sunday Night. Don't know what time yet