MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

I'm in Canada. The province I live in is very Americanized and we have a lot of people spouting about left and right wing, yet the majority of us are somewhere in the middle and have elected a party that is more centrist. I really wasn't trying to be insulting to anyone btw, I really am curious. It just seems that "(insert cause) agenda" are the buzz words whenever there is a change that someone doesn't like. Both sides constantly calling each other snowflakes. It's tiresome to me. We are all just people and we all have likes and dislikes, and opinions. Not everything has to be a political agenda. In entertainment, I think it's a money issue. If they didn't think a female doctor would sell, they wouldn't have one regardless. It's about the money. Nope. The reason why I asked was curiosity if the two party system that they have in the United States is more conducive to people complaining about (insert wing here) agendas or if it was more world wide. I didn't say you did have to be American. I was wondering if you were. I didn't see much backlash on twitter, but I did on facebook. (I should edit that it wasn't all from men either) Are you American? You do realize that the whole world isn't right or left. I'm sorry, but I am soooooo tired of every change that people don't like being blamed on leftist or rightist agenda. I am excited. I liked her in Attack the Block, and I really liked her in Broadchurch. I wasn't a fan of sonic sunglasses Capaldi Doctor, so really any change can be great or not so great. I hope this is a good change. My biggest woe here is the need to know board. Sometimes it takes days to get a post and even more to get a response. It's a shame for me as that board and the individual boards were what I used on IMDb. Independence Day I'm torn. My friend's father has one and the clarity is incredible. But for me there also comes a time when I'm not sure that a movie should be more crisp than reality. It takes me out of a movie. Same with too much CGI. Plus the CGI and effects have to be really good with the 4k otherwise it looks even worse or more fake. Exactly. I don't recall any of the alternate endings, but I would have been disappointed if they had gotten away with it. I think that I watch too many movies while doing other things these days. It's just too easy because of streaming. There are too many movies now a days to start, and there is no effort required to watch one. Going to store to rent a movie, or going to the theatre, usually meant that it was something that you wanted to see and you were willing to make an investment in the movie. If I actually go to a theatre I will remember it, but if I watch something on Netflix that is just on because I want something to watch, chances are I'm going to forget most of it. You are most welcome. :) It's an FBI procedural drama. First season episodes are a little more stand alone but there is a story arc that continues on for both seasons. There are elements of terrorism, but it's not typical Islamic terrorism. The synopsis somewhat explains it. What more were you looking for? [quote]Can we have one week without having to hear Babadook bellyache about how Twin Peaks isn't living up to his lofty standards?![/quote] I'm glad he did so I didn't have to start my own post about it. I watched the episode twice because I was multi tasking a bit the first time and thought it deserved my full attention, so I rewatched. It was an interesting episode and I didn't hate it. It was visually stunning and weird, but I too am really wanting to see some Twin Peaks. I want to see the town and the people that had me so enthralled all these years. I know that there is nothing that my complaining will do in regards to any future episodes. I also know that I can stop watching at anytime, but this show, these characters, and this town have been in my life for 27 years. I am going to finish it. I also might complain about things I'm not liking and saying WTF about things I don't get, just like we did in the early 90's. Only it was around the water cooler not on a message board. Mädchen Amick was my first girl crush back when she was in the Baywatch Pilot. She still looks fantastic. I was also really impressed with how lovely Peggy Lipton looks. I would have never guessed she was in her 70's. I usually don't like to comment on how people look, because you always get someone being bashed for their weight. (like you did with Fenn) I just do agree that Mädchen is a beautiful woman. I think the slowness could be in terms of the characters that don't seem to have a place when they are first shown. Like in Part 4 when Wally comes to pay his respects to Sheriff Truman, it seems like just filler. It might be more later or it might just have been exposition about Harry Truman. If you aren't used to Lynch, I can see why someone might think it's slow. I somewhat watched the stage vs street season but didn't really care for the format. I didn't watch past the audition with the Jrs, I was just bored. I'm hoping this season will be good, but what is the academy? Is that a leftover from the Jr year? I hope not.