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sslssg's Replies

It wasn't just the grandma, unless I missed something, the character Heather is Ariel's mom and not sister right? That would have been another teenage birth. I guess they procreate really young in that town. I think you just need to realize that " If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place to live in." Oh Hai!! You didn't offend me. I am just trying to understand your passionate hatred for someone who would probably would go away if you stopped talking about her. I think that Obama knows what it feels like to have Trump try to sabotage him. Trump was a birther. As for what Trump is guilty of, that still remains to be seen but he is not honest. Please don't try to tell me that. I disagree with your comment about republicans losing a race a going away. But I will tell you that 1. I'm not American. 2. I'm not a Democrat and 3. President Trump is hardly innocent. 4. Clinton lost the election I've just seen several of your comments and you seem to be obsessed with Clinton. I am just wondering why you guys are so obsessed with Hillary? She isn't your president. She lost. That being said, why is it a big deal that there is an investigation into Russian interference? If Trump didn't do anything, then nothing should be found, correct? The fact that people involved with Trump and his campaign have been indicted should warrant further investigation, no? I would think that if a foreign country was meddling in my country's election process I would like to know the who, when, where, why, and how of it all regardless of my party loyalty. That's why I like One Magic Christmas. It's a little darker. I didn't like it when it first came out, but in the last few years I've really grown to appreciate One Magic Christmas. I really liked White Bear, The Entire History of You, 15 Million Credits, San Junipero and Hated in the Nation. The only episode I didn't really like when I first watched it was The Waldo Moment, but now with the reality of the world's politics, it doesn't seem as stupid. But with each episode being different, one might appeal to you more than others. The Girl Next Door 2007. I think that if you are interested you should watch it. I hope that this doesn't sound rude, because it really isn't my intent, but the more one accustoms themselves to different accents the easier it becomes to understand them. While I understand your complaint, I liked the fact that they used actors from different backgrounds instead of just using over exaggerated cheesy accents for the most part. Yes. I think that they both have pros and cons. I think I prefer the original, but it might just be because I saw it first. I do think that parts of the 2010 version are a little more brutal than the 1978, but I didn't enjoy what happened to Earl which might account for my preference. Tough choice, but Miguel Ferrer gives Robocop the edge for me. I think you need to learn the difference between statutory rape, and pedophilia. This isn't me defending Kevin Spacey at all, but pedophilia is a psychiatric condition where a person is attracted to prepubescent children. (usually under the age of 11) Now Anthony Rapp, at 14 was still very much under age, but not prepubescent. It is appearing like Kevin Spacey is a sexual predator, although I haven't heard that he actually raped anyone yet. He let Rapp leave. If he had raped him, it would be, first of all rape, but also statutory rape because Rapp couldn't have consented if he was below the age of consent. That's not being apologetic, but just wanting you to use the correct terms. Criminal Minds Law & Order SVU Modern Family Totally agree with Supernatural I thought the same and keep waiting to see if she's going to show up. We used to sing that at karaoke. I only asked if that's where you were because it's a fantastic place to see Bison. No, Elk Island National Park is in Alberta, off Highway 16 east of Edmonton.