MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

Just finished watching and was going to say the same thing about twists. Thank you! I don't hate her. I find her character fascinating. I don't think she's a good person, but I don't hate her. I really like how the show/books don't just have good and evil characters. Each character has good and evil in them. They are both heroes and villains. Dany is no different. She has caused a lot of damage, but her intentions were good. You know what they say about the road to hell. Jamie is another one that fascinates me. He has done some despicable things, but he also has admirable qualities. It's difficult to hate him, but then I remember him pushing a child off of a tower and wonder how this can be the same person. Most of these characters have so much depth to them it's hard to know what to think of them. I'm torn. There are parts of it that I am really loving and parts that I am not. I was a big fan of the show when it first aired. It was so different than anything else on tv and I became a fan of Lynch, even if I really didn't understand a lot of what I was watching. I am loving the quirkiness and the visuals. I'm liking some of the new characters. What I'm not so keen on is how slow it is and how little of Twin Peaks we are seeing. I don't like Dougie. Bob/Cooper at least is interesting to me, Dougie is not. I would also like to know more about what's happening in Twin Peaks. I would like to see more Norma and Shelley. We are getting a lot of Hawk, which is fantastic, but personally, I want more tie in. I think we will get more soon, it's just been a really slow burn. It does get better. The last couple of episodes are pretty good. (imo) Isn't it Rabbit is wise? But he's not Cooper, he's Dougie. I would disagree that every other scene is a throw back to the original. There are throw backs, I'm not denying that, but I can't help my personal preference that I would like more. You seem to be really annoyed (I don't know as reading text I can inject my own tone) that I want something different from the show. Why does it bother you that the direction of the show is frustrating to me? I didn't know that there would be a continuation of the show back in 92' when it left the air. But Cooper/ Bob in the mirror was one of those frustrating TV moments that I've always wanted an answer to. You talk about the crazy nobodies, but to me, the crazy nobodies of Twin Peaks were what made Twin Peaks so interesting. I don't have to see him. I would just like to. I understand that the story has been planned, it's just like a very long movie. We've been waiting for over 25 years. I know that not everything will be to everyone's taste. I'm just really hoping that we get a bit more Twin Peaks. If not Cooper, some of the other characters perhaps will get a little more screen time. I will finish watching this season. Like I said I've been waiting for a very long time to see how this will play out. I was just hoping for something a little different. I'm kind of in agreement with Mister Babadook in that I would like to see Cooper. I know Lynch isn't a typical director, or storyteller, but for a show called Twin Peaks, we aren't really getting much of Twin Peaks. The main character that we are following isn't the same character as the one that we loved and I understand the frustration with wanting to see him back when we know he's in there. I might be in the minority here, but the second I saw it was him, I was expecting it to be more awkward than it was. Glad he didn't speak much, it could have been a lot worse. Was that because of colour or because it was a really crappy movie? I think one could argue that remakes aren't doing too well these days regardless of sex or colour changes. I could be very wrong though. I'm in Canada. The province I live in is very Americanized and we have a lot of people spouting about left and right wing, yet the majority of us are somewhere in the middle and have elected a party that is more centrist. I really wasn't trying to be insulting to anyone btw, I really am curious. It just seems that "(insert cause) agenda" are the buzz words whenever there is a change that someone doesn't like. Both sides constantly calling each other snowflakes. It's tiresome to me. We are all just people and we all have likes and dislikes, and opinions. Not everything has to be a political agenda. In entertainment, I think it's a money issue. If they didn't think a female doctor would sell, they wouldn't have one regardless. It's about the money. Nope. The reason why I asked was curiosity if the two party system that they have in the United States is more conducive to people complaining about (insert wing here) agendas or if it was more world wide. I didn't say you did have to be American. I was wondering if you were. I didn't see much backlash on twitter, but I did on facebook. (I should edit that it wasn't all from men either) Are you American? You do realize that the whole world isn't right or left. I'm sorry, but I am soooooo tired of every change that people don't like being blamed on leftist or rightist agenda. I am excited. I liked her in Attack the Block, and I really liked her in Broadchurch. I wasn't a fan of sonic sunglasses Capaldi Doctor, so really any change can be great or not so great. I hope this is a good change. My biggest woe here is the need to know board. Sometimes it takes days to get a post and even more to get a response. It's a shame for me as that board and the individual boards were what I used on IMDb. Independence Day I'm torn. My friend's father has one and the clarity is incredible. But for me there also comes a time when I'm not sure that a movie should be more crisp than reality. It takes me out of a movie. Same with too much CGI. Plus the CGI and effects have to be really good with the 4k otherwise it looks even worse or more fake.