osaji922's Replies

serious From the two episodes I saw, I'd like to see a lot more of David and way less Frederick. Makes me wonder, if this is the actor that got the role of Frederick, how bad was everybody else? There's nothing wrong with a studio audience but modern sitcoms for some strange reason film in front of an audience but use a laugh track. Older sitcoms didn't do this. Watch something like Married With Children or Martin. Those were real laughs from the people in the audience. As a sitcom fan, I'm fed up with what Hollywood is doing with multi cam sitcoms. All they're doing is making people hate them but it's really because they choose to make them poorly. Don't bother. They're a moron. I'm not asking for blood and guts. I'm just asking for something that's a little more mature. Seems like they're constantly trying to gear this IP toward kids. TMNT has the ability to appeal to adults too if handled correctly. One can only hope. This movie looks AWFUL. It's going to air over the summer starting June 14th. Now whether it gets back to the regular season schedule, who knows? It's wild though that they originally were going to bring it back but nixed it by getting rid of their Tuesday night comedies and moving Abbott to Wednesday. Good move but it was at the expense of The Wonder Years. This is The Goldbergs' last season. Maybe it comes back at 8:30 Wednesdays. We'll see. It's not just a sitcom. It's Night Court. I wouldn't take it too seriously with the logic. This is a show that once had Wile E. Coyote make a cameo. Who did you hear that from? That's not what it is. I read an interview with Alex Garland. The guy comes off WAY too complex for him to be so simple as to make a movie about that. The show is watchable, but my biggest criticism ever since I saw the trailer for it is that they lean heavy into comedy instead of the drama. When you do comedy in the vein of the original show, it has to be subtle. Not that modern self-aware, hit you in the face, type of comedy that everyone does nowadays. In short, it can't touch the original and would have been better off being its own show instead of borrowing its predecessor's name in an effort to garner interest. Hollywood is so chickensh*t to just let new intellectual properties stand on their own. It's truly disgusting. With that said, the show has had its moments. It usually comes out of nowhere at the very end after 2/3 of the episode being mediocre. Don't worry. From the tone of the show, it seems like they're going the comedy route which is a joke; an unfunny one. This show should be as dramatic as you said but I really don't think they have the guts to do it. With that said, why even bother setting it in Montgomery, Alabama if you're not going to go there with it? Why not set it somewhere else? These people are idiots. This isn't like EHC but it's not going to be anything like the original TWY. BTW The Goldbergs is a ripoff of EHC. They just had to kill the good looking girl. smh She's not even a 7 to Stevie Wonder. Which is what I've said too. It's why I don't like people comparing it to Mission Impossible and Bourne. The action isn't supposed to be what sells the Bond movies. The character of Bond is supposed to sell them but they've made Bond into a generic boring action hero that you can get from any other action franchise. Bond rose to prominence in an era of cowboys and westerns. A lot of the heroes didn't have class or sophistication. It's what separated Bond apart from what anybody knew at the time. Quite frankly, little has changed. Westerns are out of style but the heroes are still tough brutes that lack class and sophistication, meaning Bond, if written right, can still stand out from the pack but they've failed him time and time again. I'm not feeling this either. Out of curiosity, what's your problem with movies? What do they do differently to make it FEEL closer to the original? My biggest and really only complaint against season 1 was that it didn't feel like the original at all. Take away the theme song and you'd never know you were watching a Twilight Zone show. It could be any anthology show. First 4 seasons for me. Season 4 doesn't deserve to be that far down. I've noticed a sad trend in Craig's films that they like to use mediocre looking Bond girls and usually have a way hotter girl in the movie but only for a brief amount of time. It's the biggest tease of all time.