MovieChat Forums > SHADO > Replies

SHADO's Replies

The jar of pickles has become a running gag between Alara and Captain Mercer that started in the pilot episode. He couldn't get a vault open, and as Alara is stronger than a human, he asked her if she could "open this jar of pickles" for him, much as a weaker human asks a stronger human to literally open a jar of pickles. There have been other similar incidents in the series between Ed and Alara. Here's a compilation: Well, if we're going to nitpick: "an uniform"? No, not special at all. But apparently you are. When others try to help, you decide to cop an attitude. Whatever makes you happy. :) I myself prefer to use the word with the correct meaning. Averse* to change. ;) Which, apparently, is nowhere, LOL... ROLFMAO! Of course! What else could it possibly be? ;) And I thought I was the only one thinking that! I'm directly to the south of you, in the U.S. I was just surprised to hear you were watching it on Netflix. I can watch it here on Hulu, or on, but not on Netflix. :) On Netflix? May I ask what country you're in? Just visited IMDb 12 hours after you posted here. I saw a user average rating of 4.0, but saw NO user reviews at all. Highly possible that Disney/Oprah might have pressured IMDb about the reviews. But then again, I like the occasional conspiracy theory. Black Judy is Maureen Robinson's daughter from a previous relationship. Not sure if it was a marriage or not, though. Other details remain unknown as of now. I agree! Her character is almost as retarded as people that type in endless run-on sentences, instead of using proper punctuation. Nope. Respectfully* He was being turned into a stalk of celery, not an orchid. Everybody knows orchids aren't funny. Sheesh. ;) And Laurie Metcalf's daughter also played the part of a younger version of Laurie's character (Jackie) in 3 episodes of Roseanne in the 90s. Perhaps English isn't his native tongue. :) Watching it now, and was just coming here to say the same thing, LOL! IMDb claims that the lead at 40 is 5'7", and at age 64 is 6'4.5". Too funny.