partydjz's Replies

Both are wonderful films. Tracks is deeper and more introspective. Then you would not enjoy reading Walden Pond. Expand your horizons. There is really no comparison. Tracks is by far the better film. Wild is Hollywood nonsense. Thoreauvian She chose to live deliberately, on her own, to experience a solemn journey. She had her own direction. Often those that are highly driven and motivated aren't the most personable people. Being kind to strangers was not something on her agenda. I could tell his voice right off the bat. After searching I could not find him listed anywhere in the credits. I seriously thought David Carradine was gonna Kung Fu his brother You're joking, right? Incorrect If you people couldn't see the raw energy in De Niro's portrayal of Johnny Boy I feel sorry for you. What you were witnessing was the beginning of a career in film that will perhaps never be matched. De Niro was awarded by the National Society of Film Critics for this performance, why don't you take up your argument with them. A Clockwork Orange overrated? You're a damn fool. I suppose Lord of the Rings wasn't overrated, or the Matrix. Learn about cinema before you post such nonsense. In everything I've seen with him. I'm not a fan of films like the hangover to begin with, can't stand anything with Will Ferrel. Most modern comedies are trash. When you're given a role you either run with it or fall flat, Galifianakas has only fallen flat in what I've seen. You really can't be a good actor just some of the time. There is no enlightenment, OP was simply stoned. you must be joking Typical, if one disagrees with your radical right wing nonsense they can't possibly be american, well I am, my father served in WWII. I have a mind, and I have Karl Marx on my bookshelf, omg, how is that possible. Will1988, Thanks for clearing a few things up. I couldn't place the serial killer Andrei Chikatilo within the Stalin era. I agree with your statements regarding the authenticity of the wardrobe and scene settings. I actually love films like this with superior production style and top notch acting, it's a shame this film didn't do better in the cinemas but I will agree it's lacking in coherence. Guess What, I live in the United States, born here, which is why I know your type better than you think. He doesn't have the range Wow, you are truly mentally ill aren't you. You must be part of the uneducated inbred sector that managed to elect the orange dolt. How does it feel to make such idiotic statements, do you feel proud? Does a lack of education make you feel special? You know NOTHING about world politics, you are a brainwashed imbecile. You know NOTHING about the human condition in countries other than United States. You think Americans are the only humans on the planet earth, you are stupid beyond compare, and yet you brag about how stupid you are. The United States is a country of idiots and you just proved that, I hope you feel proud.