hellcat1983's Replies

I'm sure! Lol! I take it you're a man who knows nothing about women and their anatomy. Marcella is not bonkers, she has suffered severe trauma and isn't mentally well. Well you've clearly proven yourself to be the opposite of intelligent, so why would I even bother? Dude, just go wank to the Dark Knight Rises in your basement and stop spamming the Star Wars board. It's unreasonable to anyone with a brain. Lol! You're the one making the ass out of yourself with this thread! Sure! You are very sad to defend someone you don't know, at the end of the day all you have is an opinion. I also feel like absolutely everything is being dumbed down too probably for the younger generations. However, usually when I pass this comment, I am accused if being an old fuddy duddy and just a product of my generation. Music has suffered the worst I feel, it's purely commercial crap now and even alternative and rock is very mediocre. I'm starting to think this is Christopher Nolan, desperate and looking for a job. Lol, I know. If you don't like the film I love then you didn't understand it, lmao! I understood loud and clear, I just thought that it was lazy, stupid and an utter disappointment. Deep my ass! The Dark Knight was the strongest of that trilogy and if you removed Heath Ledger's performance, it's really not that great. I'm 34 and I enjoyed the movie. It was entertaining and not boring, that's all you can expect nowadays with the crap they are churning out. If you think The Dark Knight Rises was good then you need your head examined. Popularity does not mean something is good, just look at Justin Bieber. Not to mention that Dunkirk was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, especially Tom Hardy floating around in a spitfire for the last 30 mins of the movie. Ridiculous! I mean you must have a lot of time on your hands to bother with dissecting someone's opinion, rather than just accepting it like a normal person. You have too much time on your hands! I think that this was a lot better than The Force Awakens which was just a remake essentially. It had it's stupid moments if course but I was entertained and not bored for the 3 hours. I didn't read your essay, but perhaps you should save your upset for things that are actually worth being upset over. It's just a movie! LOL! He did not make 3 amazing Batman films. He made one decent enough one, which was only so because of Heath Ledger's acting. No they weren't better, the prequels were the worst!