hellcat1983's Replies

Just no....Alicia Silverstone is pretty! Taylor has a very unattractive banish face IMO. He's an aussie. Neither Becca nor Levon could pass as Hank's kid. David is gorgeous and ageing so well I think. I know attractive people can sometimes have unattractive kids, but honestly, its a stretch in either case. She was just as awful on Hemlock Grove too. As Becca, she is hard to watch, the monotone voice and bad acting. Good god! I know, it got very tiresome and didnt make any sense to me. They both seemed so passive agressive. If he really wanted to be with her, he could, he just needed to be a bit more passionate about it. But he seemed so relaxed. I'm in a long term relationship and I would never behave like either of them, I really dont get it. I know, the accent was completely horrendous, was she constantly trying to also sound drunk and out of it? It was so bad and over the top! Oh I completely agree! The singing and playing the band was woeful, whatever about the playing but the singing....ugh. I absolutely hate the actress that plays Becca, she's so monotone and such a bad actress. There is also no possible way on this earth that Karen and Hank could have a kid that looks and sounds like that. They are such beautiful looking people.