hellcat1983's Replies

That speaks volumes about your intelligence. I'm sure you're not any kind of pilot. Pilots require a certain level of education about planes and different scenarios, plus he has a wealth of knowledge about WW2 planes. Why are you defending such a rubbish movie? Did you make it? My fiancé is a pilot and said it isn't possible and that it was quite laughable. He was gliding for far too long and than that landing, just no way. The movie was just one big joke that was't funny. It's a terrible movie. It's nowhere near one of the greatest movies ever made, I think this movie is a fine example of how the quality in movies has dropped over the years. The fact that this is considered good at all says a lot! I'm not happy either. I paid to see that rubbish! It was terrible, clearly all of the positive reviews in the beginning before the movie even came out, labelling it a masterpiece were fake. Are you trolling? I'm not a millennial, and the movie was shockingly bad! Especially Tom Hardy flying about at the end for 15 mins with no fuel. Jesus Christ. I'm not a pilot and even I know that's just ridiculous. My fiancé is a pilot and he was pissing himself laughing for the last 30 mins. The acting wasn't great, can't believe that was Cillian Murphy and why such a small shitty part? And as for national pride, I assume you're American. Nationalism is toxic. I feel sorry for you. I really don't understand the Ed Sheehan thing. He is so poppy and mediocre, not handsome, yet people go crazy for him. To me, he is just a ginger Justin Timberlake minus the appeal. I hated his cameo, it was so cringe-worthy and pointless. Alex. He's hot as hell and Thad just seems gay. No it's not. The music video by Mint Royale is better than the movie. I lost interest after all of the characters started doing ridiculous out-of-character things. 2/10 at most. As an Irish person, I will answer this. Irish people generally are not very good looking, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of good looking Irish, because they are. It has to do with the country being a small island, so there isn't a lot of genetic diversity. I, myself, look very Nordic and not typically Irish, I don't have Irish features at all and I think this is due to my parents coming from completely different nationalities. There is also a huge influx of other nationalities here now, so hopefully this will change going forward. But, yes, this is the reason. The reason why there are so many good looking people in the US is due to the diversity of nationalities and races. Father Ted is not British! Father Ted is not British! IT Crowd is also by the same guy, so it's not technically British either. Please stop taking credit for things that aren't yours. It's not British humour, it was written by and Irishman. Jesus! And the humour is also very similar to Father Ted....strange! He does look like a much better version of Evan Peters I am sorry that reading was difficult for you. I'd stay away from difficult movie going forward if I were you. Dubbed movies are awful. I like Shia, have you not witnessed that song? She's really unattractive and then her horrible personality just makes matters worse. If you like skinny women with practically no boobs, she also has a mannish face.