hellcat1983's Replies

Perhaps if your grammar was correct, you would be perceived as intelligent yourself and maybe taken a bit more seriously. Exactly, I loved this movie. Nobody should mind reading subtitles if they can read. It was a really good flick, very unpredictable. And his acting? Holy shit! Oh yeah, small bit maybe. Overall, it wasn't a very gory film. Which scene? You're an absolute idiot dude! Please go get a life instead of senselessly arguing with people online. You're clearly the one without a brain blindly trusting Netflix. I bet you go through all of your life being disappointed by assumptions, please learn how to think for yourself and you won't be confused by Netflix. I 100% disagree with you, I loved that the serial killer was real. If it was fantasy, it would've added nothing to the movie as she was already imagining her husband and herself talking to her. The fact that there was a real threat there all along was very disturbing! And as another said, it was in the book, so take it up with Stephen King. Grow a brain dude! I simply pointed out that the movie wasn't intended to be a horror, it's sad that you are so defensive. So are a lot of things that aren't horror. It's not a horror film, my god! If I told you Bambi was a horror, would you blindly believe me too? It wasn't supposed to be a horror. And you're not sensitive to humans being killed or tortured? Wow! Sure you have! Yeah, we don't have a bunch of obese, illiterate, consumer obsessed zombies in Europe. It's actually full of history and culture, unlike the US. Agreed. Can you really call anybody an imbecile with that grammar? I thought it looked like Jimmy Carr. I actually thought that Hotel started out pretty good. I loved the first episode, but Gaga was terrible and then it just became an utter, predictable mess. You started it dude, I'm a woman and she is a despicable character. And you're being an average troll...