hellcat1983's Replies

Wow, look, a mature person who can accept others' point of view. Resorting to insults is a clear indication of not only a lack of intelligence but somebody unwilling to accept that others' think differently. What a little snowflake you are! She had a pregnant belly though, we saw it in a couple of scenes, I think would notice! She was also doing drugs. I was disgusted watching it, what a vile character she was. Nobody is attacking anyone, people were just commenting that the actress looks very old, which she does. What's the problem? She's not feminine looking, at least not in the face anyway. I don't know why people are in such denial about this. I read a comment saying she was beautiful and not old looking at all, they need to go to Supersavers. Nothing wrong with saying things how they are, but the PC brigade get up in arms about everything nowadays. My mum is 55 and looks fabulous. I'm almost 35 and look 20. She looks old for her age and that's the end of it. Agreed, she is very old looking and way older looking than Bateman. It was very distracting. She has a nice figure but I find her face very unattractive. They have photos on imdb Can you not just look it up yourself? WTF? Were you watching the same show? All of the scenes you listed are important to the overall story and the characters. Whatever you do, don't watch Game of Thrones! In his first meeting with Ed Kemper when he was bragging about getting women, Ed basically saw through his bragging and said he was a virgin until meeting his current girlfriend, and the look on Ford's face basically confirmed it. It's insinuated. I didn't realise that the actor was gay either unless I read it on these boards. I just interpret this relationship with his girlfriend as awkward because he was a virgin prior to and inexperienced. He also seems a bit socially awkward. You are an absolute idiot with clearly no life experience! I think so. I felt the overall plot was very weak and I just couldn't get into it. Will being infected by the shadow monster and we are given no backstory or information about how this would be possible. Even for Stranger Things, it seems far too unrealistic to me. Me, because I have a life! Brainwashed idiot! Classy!