RebelBlood's Replies

Anthony Hopkins Michael Fassbender Their own accents always slip out. Your associations of it are specific and cool; it does have a metropolitan vibe. I think it was an instant classic. It just reminds me of being a kid and cooking with my mom, getting ready for the Christmas party. I almost always watch ads for food, especially sweets. I'm usually hungry and they are very effective. Damn them. Sometimes I'll sit though an ad if it really makes me laugh. Hahaha. Good one. Non-Stop Exotic Cabaret is such a good album. Youth is one of the best and saddest songs about lost opportunities. Damn classic! I was on on 80s binge last month and heard this great one. Stay Alive! That's terrible. I hope it subsides soon. May you have many happy zoom calls through the new year. :) Holy crap! That drama reads like a scene from Home for the Holidays. Ya know, it's perfectly legal to skip the Christmas party and I'd support you. A few of my relatives are wild or dysfunctional, but at least they know how to cook. Their Grandmas taught them well. Coupling (US) - Original was brilliant. Then the creator changed the jokes and pace to cater to American sensibilities. Killed the mood. Step By Step Full House - I just don't care that it was popular. That's not a quality in itself. If you add heavy cream or sour cream, it makes them very fluffy. Cheddar makes them perfect. I want it too. My parents are getting them soon. I'm just glad I won't have to worry about them as much. Are you open about it? I found office positions open at local Christian shelters and one of the requirements was supporting their evangelical mission, which is technically legal if the charity is religious. I've moved on to find regular work. I think her husband had enough anger and resentment for both of them. That happened to be the scene that made me see that she was a very good, generous person. I wasn't so embarrassed or worried for Buddy anymore. She was patient with him while he was learning about the rest of the world. I actually wished this movie had more time to show character development and their family dynamic. Renton and Sick Boy were saying any hateful thing they could to bring Tommy down. He was finding something that made him grateful and happy to be alive at all, and the miserable bastards couldn't stand it in that moment. They were severely depressed and feeling intense self-loathing. Depressed people often reject expressions of joy and relief because they forget what it feels like. It offended them that he was trying healthy coping strategies. It wasn't really about the moral indignity of colonization or Sick Boy's disinterest in nature. They weren't ready to be anything but miserable and thought Tommy had to be in it with them. They're just being crappy friends. I thought Craigslist got rid of the personal ads to avoid legal liabilities. I haven't watched this in order in awhile, but do they ever clarify whether Rachel finished college before meeting her ex-fiance? I know she had to get a job quick after her dad cut her off, but I think she'd need a marketing degree and 5 years experience to be so successful. I'm not sure I could see Possession again. That left me very unsettled for a week. The Devils was disturbing and heartbreaking, with Oliver Reed being completely magnetic. I can relate with Trainspotting. Thought it was too crude and trashy, then I started to notice the dark humor and absurdity. Must have had good quality institutional food. TV dinners here looked like Grandma's cooking compared to the school lunch of my childhood in Midwest USA. I still like certain brands when I'm too tired or lazy to fix a proper meal. The polling place near me had printer problem this year and three volunteers were waiting for our named ballots, which held up the line. Other cities shut down polling centers because they didn't have enough volunteers during the primary. Most states have limited voting hours, so many people get stuck waiting. To answer your original question, the "I voted" posts are more of a call to action than a boast, maybe with a bit of healthy peer pressure. This is especially true in early voting states. Since voting isn't mandatory, people may need more motivation.