Mister Babadook's Replies

That was the most infuriating part of the show, Ashley standing there on the bridge while everyone else went infront of her, and she never moved until others made it safe for her, she never took a chance on that bridge. Yet when Mai calls her out for it the others act as if Mai has betrayed a loyal teammate and should be shunned. Was they all fucking blind and oblivious to how Ashley stood there on the bridge like a coward while everyone else risked elimination? Then Ashley acted like she was in the right and in glee that everyone was taking her side. I wish i could have saw Ashley's face when she found out Mai won the whole thing, i'd pay to see that. Hopefully when it comes on buray/4K they have a Grindhouse version of it you can watch as a special feature. This is a 30 minute family sitcom show, its a comedy, this isn't Law and Order or Criminal Minds. Was thinking the same thing watching that first episode, her ass looks amazing in those jeans. She looks so fucking good in this show. I mean even in Scream 6 they mention Stu possibly being alive, Mindy or one of the characters says something like "if you believe he's actually dead" when they're discussing previous Ghostfaces and Stu was brought up. The original script for Scream 3 had Stu as the killer orchestrating a cult like following of Ghostface fanatics from prison, teenagers who was obsessed and doing Stu's bidding. Which due to Columbine happening they scrapped it, cause it would be in bad taste directly after that having a movie where high school kids are killing people. And they eventually turned that idea into The Following with Kevin Bacon that tv show with the serial killer whos in prison and a cult is doing the killing for him. So if he was brought back it could always be done that way or he could have escaped prison. But i mean its not just fans really, the movies themselves have presented the possibility of Stu being alive. Wes Craven himself was gonna bring him back for Scream 3, and again Scream 6 mention him possibly being alive. Plus its never been said Stu was dead, they directly talked about Billy being dead but never Stu, whos to say he wasn't alive and in prison all this time? Matthew Lillard has always talked about wanting to come back as Stu and that he could've survived a tv landing on his head. I mean a tv just landed on his head and broke, it didn't squash his head, there was no splat or blood spewing out, theres been people whos survived being shot in the head with a gun, i can buy a dude surviving a tv falling on his head. The drone could definitely hold their phone. Drone's have delivered packages, one could hold a tiny phone. And i don't see how it would be putting all their eggs in one basket, i don't know what other way the phone would help them other than lowering it to the bottom of the tower to pick up a signal. Cause at the end when she put the phone inside Hunter's body and tossed it over the phone got a signal and she was rescued, coulda easily done that with the drone with a full charge. I mean it was the only thing they could do if they was hoping to get a season 2 and so on, how else you gonna have this young child actress as this character who's supposed to never age yet the actress is getting older. So i totally understood them doing that, it was a good show, its a shame it was cancelled. Watching it back again they definitely used a controller for the drone but had the phone attached to the controller to use as a camera to see the Drone's POV, but i don't think the phone was being used to control it, i think it was mainly just to be able to see what the drone was seeing. So i think they coulda just detached the phone from the controller and lowered the drone down as far as it could go without seeing the POV of the drone. No it wasn't the phone operating was it, i thought they had a controller specifically for the drone. So dumb, especially since in Hellraiser 2 the same actor comes back to play Frank and they use his actual voice and he sounds perfectly fine doing an American accent, which no idea why they couldn't have just had him do in the first movie. Watching the special features on the new 4K set the actor who played Frank said he had no idea they was gonna dub his voice and said he was surprised when he first watched the movie. And he talked about the scenes losing alot of little nuances in his voice when he was acting by dubbing over it with someone who was just reading the lines with no kind of acting at all. Yeah Tales From The Crypt had its comedic episodes here and there but there was very few of them compared to the straight up horror ones. Creepshow the series is going full comedy with every episode which the movie Creepshow maybe had 1 comedic story, The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill but it was also very dark by the end of it. This series is starting to feel more like a remake of Tales From The Darkside or Goosebumps more than Creepshow, cause those shows was full of comedic cheesy stories. Yeah looks that way, its gonna be about a different doctor, the first season was about Christopher Duntsch, season 2 will be about Paolo Macchiarini. Awesome, glad to be of help. Yeah Graham McTavish would be my pick as well, especially from this pic https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1DegP_VUAAEw33.jpg:large just add the hair and he'd be perfect for the role and looks close enough Yeah it was ridiculously over the top, i've never seen or heard of anyone being that cruel to someone who just lost a parent, and laughing about messing up a dress her mom used to wear, what is she the devil? teenagers can be awful but not that fucking awful. And yeah as a rule of thumb if you put a character that despicable and annoying in a horror movie they need to die, its the one genre you can get that satisfaction from most of the time. Lol how can you say the backstory of the town hating her was unimportant and unnecessary? that was the whole point of the movie ffs. The movie begins with everyone hating her, spitting on her and shes miserable, then in the end after the aliens have taken over and everyone is being controlled by the aliens she loves it and everyone in the town now adores her and throws a party at the sight of her. Instead of trying to stop the takeover and go find help shes living blissfully among them because they're nice to her now. So again no idea why you think the backstory of the town hating her is unnecessary and unimportant. Nowhere near worth that price, $50-$60 tops. Imagine if it was a 30 year old dude teacher waving like that to an 18 year old girl out on the field? doubt that would've been approved in the movie. The double standards are funny man. Exactly, it would've made way more sense. Yeah right after he murders your daughter, good time to move on and let it go even though he's still on the loose. It was stupid, she was obsessed and crazy from him killing a few of her friends 40 some years ago, but he murders her daughter and its all good and shes fine.. It was stupid.