Mister Babadook's Replies

I dunno i think everything he went through, perhaps the shock treatment so to speak he got from Windom changed the way he thought, and made him a better person. I highly doubt all those scenes of him emotionally looking at Shelly's face on that queen of hearts card was him just thinking he wanted to kill her himself. Oh yeah yeah i understand, thanks, i was just a little confused at first. I'm glad their not trying to say he's the same character despite not looking or sounding nothing like Michael Ontkean. Yeah i loved that, especially since the actress that play's Selina looks just like Michelle Pfeiffer. Shes 22 years old. They never at any point in the promo say "Wheres Henry? He's not in his room" i just watched it again, they're talking about Tuan in the promo, they say "Tuan was out in the middle of the night? It didn't feel right". Um bro that wasn't Henry that was the asian kid they got working for them, ya know the kid thats pretending to be friends with that Russian kid to get info. So no that wasn't Henry in the teaser. And i seriously doubt if Henry was gonna find out about them they wouldn't give it away in a freaking teaser showing them randomly confronting him in a disguise. Exactly, she was like "i wanna get Regina alive but to hell with your brother he's a murderer he deserves to die". I know it was comical, "Hi my name i---So have you heard about this tape that kills you?" it was almost like something outta Scary Movie. Well i must've missed the part with the play button pushed in already but even so its still a long shot to expect him to go running to tell Jimmy and Kim about it after scaring him shitless about the possible legal trouble he'd get in. Yeah but we already had Quinn in the show waiting to take Brody's place, theres no one right now that i can see currently to take Quinn's place. I get all that, but i can let that stuff go because Wells who was a genius invented this powerful machine that took him years and years to finish exploded and gave people powers, yeah thats unrealistic and farfetched, but a genius inventing a super powerful machine that done that is a good enough explanation. However Cisco just throwing together all these devices that can do anything within minutes is way more farfetched and unrealistic imo. "Oh you guys need a super powered space ray gun that will allow us to telport to the moon and back? Ok give me a few minutes". At least what Wells invented was his life's work and took him years, Cisco whips up these random devices that can do anything within a few minutes. I think he gets locked up and they end it like the original movie with him staring into the camera and smiling. Yeah would have been cool to see a character from one of the other sequels return and do something, would have been nice if they had her character return. Yeah it was the same actress who played Stretch from part 2 but she wasn't playing the same character, just a little cameo as a reporter. Oh yeah thats right, totally forgot about that, thanks man.