Mister Babadook's Replies

Yeah right after he murders your daughter, good time to move on and let it go even though he's still on the loose. It was stupid, she was obsessed and crazy from him killing a few of her friends 40 some years ago, but he murders her daughter and its all good and shes fine.. It was stupid. Regardless the ending still leaves you with Karen's death and you'd generally assume Laurie would want revenge and to finally go kill him. Whatever ending you watch Halloween Ends completely disregards it as if it never happened and Laurie as a character feels completely reset and nothing like she was in the previous 2 movies. Glad i could help :) Thats honestly the best way to watch it, it also makes the movie much shorter and easier to get through. If you don't watch anything past that point its a very well done atmospheric and dark movie with a memorable chilling ending. I feel like if it ended right when he opened the door and you saw the eyes and mouth in the dark it would've been perfect. We shouldn't have got a clear look at the creature at all, seeing its eyes in the darkness and hearing its voice at the end was all we needed to see of it. A big CGI long haired bug creature zooming around like The Flash just felt a little silly. That shot of its eyes in the dark glowing right after he opened the door was creepy as fuck, and it would've been a chilling final image before the credits rolled. I thought it was great, it was brutal and hard to watch, and its really the only way i could've saw it ending. <spoiler>Ez finally being exposed for being a rat, and the club butchering him. Those fucking knife stabs was brutal as fuck, they didn't cut away, showed it going right into his heart, its the first thing in a long time i've saw on tv that was hard for me to watch. I get seeing Ez murdered like that was not what you wanted to see, but its the only way i ever saw it ending for him after a certain point. And it was satisfying after what they did seeing Potter take them down so they didn't really get away with it and likely got killed by the swat team. And Angel got his happy ending with his son in a new life, so i thought it wrapped up perfectly</spoiler> Nothing worse than someone bitching about others bitching. Dude are you a writer on this show or something? lol cause you seem to be really butt hurt about people making complaints. Sorry but the show sucks, the story is boring, the characters are boring, the love angle is forced, nothing is happening, there was literally a scene of Raylan's daughter wondering the city and going to an abandoned warehouse kicking stones for half the episode and it meant nothing. The writing is just bad and its a shame cause i loved Justified. Yeah its just a little funny when you come in here on your high horse acting like some mature adult scolding immature children, yet you sound like a foul mouthed immature kid yourself. Maybe try being a little more mature in your words if you wanna play the "You all are immature children and i'm the sensible adult talking down to you and telling you to grow up" card. Its about them not being a good fit for each other, aesthetically, personality wise, chemistry etc. From the get go they was setting these two up with each other as romantic interests and it was forced and there was nothing there. Some points may be a bit shallow, but forgive me for wanting a character i've followed for years to end up with someone that fits him and isn't forced by diversity BS. If he got with the cop who was black in the original Justified he worked with i'd have been fine with it, it would've made sense and there was a connection there, more than the 5 minutes he's had with this random lawyer that he has nothing in common with him. So its not like being black is why i don't want them together, but nowadays its 100% why shes black is cause they're forcing diversity into the story. What uncalled for language, maybe you're the one who needs to grow up kid, just saying. People here just calmly talking about them having no chemistry, the characters not being a good fit for each other and you come up in here cursing at everyone, calm down a bit child. I didn't say black as if its a bad thing, just that he's an old white country boy who's only been with blonde white girls, and shes just not the type i'd expect him to be with, it looks a little odd. Its mainly her being fat that makes me not a fan of her as his love interest, it just feels forced and they have nothing in common and overall just looks ridiculous. Otis i think got a much more brutal end than that though lol, stabbed to death and chopped up into pieces. Exactly, they for sure would be outraged if it was the other way around. Its hinted, they never once showed any scene where they became a thing, just suddenly there was whispers and talk about it. Yeah could be what they're doing. No cause Hershel is much older now, he was just a kid in the last season of Walking Dead, now he looks like a teenager. Yeah thats kinda what i was thinking, cause isn't it for him like instantly when he goes to work and leaves? he walks in the elevator to go to work and instantly is getting off the elevator leaving work? So it felt like to me he's not really forgetting anything for himself, he created a new person that works at the office for 8 hours but he himself never has a moment where forgets anything. So didn't seem like to me the procedure did anything for him, in his day to day life he still remembers, he goes to work but for him its the same as going in a revolving door, he doesn't forget anything for 8 hours, he basically blinks and he's leaving work and still has the memories of his wife. Sure he created a version of himself that has no memories of anything, but he never actually gets to be that person. Man i'll never forget the scene where Tom's telling Greg about how he swallowed his own load after the woman spit it back into his mouth "Yeah it was hot" and Greg just looks at him confused going "I don't think thats a thing i've never heard of that' and Tom goes "Yeah its a thing i think, i heard about it once" and Greg's just like "Nope i don't think so man". Then the realization slowly sits in about how fucked up what he just did was. Its brilliant. And Roman at the end of the episode "Congratulations Tom i heard you swallowed your own load" almost killed me lol. I swear it feels like they just inserted her and 1 or 2 other random girls into the group that wasn't in show before thinking we wouldn't notice cause there was a few background girls in season 1 that didn't get much spotlight. Exactly, this isn't Breaking Bad or Ozark, we shouldn't be getting hour long episodes of a lighthearted comedy where NOTHING is going on. Its not like they got some grand story they're trying to tell and they need an hour an episode to fit it all in, so i have no idea why they made every episode go for an hour this season.