Mister Babadook's Replies

Exactly, this isn't Breaking Bad or Ozark, we shouldn't be getting hour long episodes of a lighthearted comedy where NOTHING is going on. Its not like they got some grand story they're trying to tell and they need an hour an episode to fit it all in, so i have no idea why they made every episode go for an hour this season. Oh i see, that makes sense. Its not like i was wanting to sit and watch it on tv, i own them all on blu ray and dvd etc, but it was just curiosity as to why its never included in the marathons, i usually have them on in the background when they're on tv. I mean i put spoiler in the title, and i didn't specify who didn't die, it was obviously a bit exaggerated for a point, but i altered the title. Well we just saw in the latest episode they all went off alone to take their helmets off so they could eat. They can take their helmet off, they just can't take it off infront of anyone. When no ones around i assume they all take their helmets off and eat, shower etc. Just when infront others they're on duty and Mandalorian's and mustn't be seen as anything else. Np Troy Baker didn't play David, he played James his right hand man. Exactly. On all his bios it says "Ke Huy Quan, also known as Jonathan Ke Quan, is a Vietnamese born Chinese-American actor". Anyone not Chinese or not in the movie doesn't stand a chance in these categories. Pretty racist tbh, actors getting screwed over and overlooked due to not being of a certain race. Didn't matter which, they're both associated with the film, either of them winning is pushing the agenda, Jamie is the bigger name so Hollywood can push the agenda at the same time giving a Hollywood actress a rub. Yeah she legit won just cause she was apart of the movie that featured Chinese actors, no other reason. She goes from that GOD AWFUL performance in Halloween Ends, to winning a freaking oscar? lol ok....Totally has nothing to do with the movie shes in featuring all these Chinese actors that Hollywood are trying to use to push an agenda or anything. Yeah that was a bad ass line, "I kill for a living, you do not want him to fight me". I don't really get people who say this, the games story was great imo, you got to really see how Joel's decision at the end of the first game impacted people and the repercussions of it. For once you got to really see the perspective of the villain and understand her. The game played a tug of war with your emotions and changed your feelings on people throughout it. I just think people hate that Joel died and couldn't get past it and appreciate the entire story. Lol yeah if someone didn't like this episode it means they're too young or underdeveloped to understand it? ok buddy, then like 95% of the people who watched are as well cause no one liked it. I love character focused stories as much as anyone, i loved The Whale, where the entire movie is an overweight guy in his house trying to reconnect with his estranged daughter before he dies. I like character driven stories, when they're good, and this one wasn't and didn't need to be an entire episode where the entire plot of the show came to a halt, plain and simple. Well he won a SAG award last week, glad he got recognition for his amazing performance in 1883, i legit jumped and cheered when his name was said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w44ANJKrH_Y&ab_channel=Netflix Yeah i could see Sophie in the role, and they obviously love casting from Game Of Thrones so i can see it definitely being a possibility. As far as the muscles go, its a tricky situation cause Abby has like 3 stages of physical appearance in the game, young Abby with normal arms, then buff Abby, then at the end shes scrawny and withered away. I think they may have to either give her fake prosthetic muscles or CGI them, i think would be the best way to do it rather than asking her to get actually buff for the role then lose the muscles for the ending. I think the girl they modeled Dina after could do it though, she is an actor apparently. But yeah Jocelyn Mettler who they modeled Abby after apparently worked at Naughty Dog behind the scenes and they thought she'd be perfect for how they imagined Abby. So i can understand not casting her in the role seeing as shes not an actor, and Abby's role is huge, shes basically the other star in the game next to Ellie, they both have equally massive parts so you need to get a really talented actor for the role. Yeah thats what i figured, curious at what they'll end season 2 on from the game, theres a ton of huge moments i could see being a season finale leading into season 3. And the casting i'll be really curious about, i mean how do you not cast the girls that they modeled Dina and Abby's face after? Lol its their exact face, it would be perfect, literally the game coming to life. I know the one whos face they modeled Dina after is a new actor, not sure about the one they modeled Abby after i don't think shes an actor but i mean how do you get better than the actual faces of the characters? lol. i mean them cosplaying as their characters looks crazy and is what you'd get in the show https://thelastofus.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/modelos-faciais-de-abby-e-dina-Jocelyn-Mettler-e-Cascina-Caradonna.jpg Yeah thats another thing Dever could've pulled off young Ellie cause shes not very tall and still looks pretty young but at the same time she could've also pulled off the older Ellie as well cause shes not stuck in the forever 14 look like Bella Ramsay is, i could easily see her playing both versions Ellie's. Just saw this on youtube, someone did a deepfake of Kaitlyn as Ellie in The Last Of Us Part 2 and it looks perfect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBWAeMD88og&ab_channel=Lorect